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ChelleBelle97 Offline
Cookie Monster(:<3
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Name: Michelle-Leigh(:
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Re: medications and bulimia - January 30th 2012, 12:03 AM

Well, when I was taking my depression meds... my councilor knew that I worried sooo much about my weight. So, he put me on meds that didn't cause weight-gain. All you have to do is ask your doctor if he can put you on one that doesn't cause weight-gain. I know you just switched, but it would suit you better and probably make you more comfortable. If you're worried that he will ask about your eating disorder, he doesn't have to know. But, it would be better if he does depending on the meds. Cause, my depression meds said if you have a eating disorder.. you shouldn't take them. But, I didn't know that at the time. So, ask your doctor everything about your medicine that he may put you on. If it says something about bulimia.. I would tell your doctor about your bulimia or just ask for a different medicine. I hope I helped and hope all goes well!!


--October 16th, 2011: The day I got a second chance, the day I decided my life is worth living... <3

Smile! You ARE Beautiful!!!