Thread: Abortion?
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Re: Abortion? - April 10th 2012, 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by leadersoftoday101 View Post
I am also very pro-life although I believe everyone has there own opinion. I believe that with the access to birth control and with adoption that abortion is unnessary. I wont tell you that you will burn in hell or anything but I believe that God made everything and that he wouldnt let something happen if you were not able to hangle it. A baby no matter what trimester or how far along is still a baby. I once heard a story that a woman went ot see a doctor. She was 20 years old and already had one child. She was pregnant again and she went to see what it would take to have an abortoin. She talked with the doctor and at the end the Doctor said. Mam I would like to ask you one question. What would you do if someone shot the baby in your arms. She responded with i would cry. The doctor asked why would you cry? Because i dont understand how anyone could kill someone so helpless and innocent. The doctor said so why do you want an abortion. The woman starred at him and left without saying a word. 2 Years later the Doctor recieved a picture of a beautiful baby girl with a note also. The note said " Thank you. If it wasnt for you i would have never gotten to meet my wonderful daughter. She is so special to me and i dont know what i would do without her. To think i probably would have had the abortion if it wasnt for you." I think this is the perfect story because what is the difference between shooting a newborn and having an abortion. They are both helpless and had nothing to do with how they came to be. We should punish them for something that was out of there control. Another point is how is it what if you shoot a pregant woman you are charged with two counts of murder. But its legal to get an abortion. If the baby isnt a baby you cant murder what human. This is strictly my opinion. Everyone has one.
Wow that doctor is a fucking asshole! I mean that story really pisses me off. It is NOT a doctor's job to give their personal opinion, unless they are asked for it. That's is a bad doctor. And also a bad analogy. There is a huge difference between a baby and a fetus. Many huge differences actually. Uh that is just so... It's like those crazy laws trying to force women to have an ultrasound before they can get an abortion. That's what's sick. Because currently the LAW is that women get the right the choose, how dare anyone not involved in that choice try to make them feel bad about acting on that right. That is attacking the right to go through the process of choosing, not even going through with the choice. You are made to feel like shit for even thinking about your options.

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