Thread: Bulimia
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Re: Bulimia - June 1st 2012, 05:49 PM


Just really to add on what everyone else has said

First of all, BMI charts aren't accurate. Everyone is different, and so the only way to find out if you're at an unhealthy weight is by visiting your doctor.

Speaking of, a doctor wouldn't be a bad idea. Cold hands are your body not having enough energy to warm them up, and also all your blood staying close to your vital organs in order to keep them alive. Hair on your arms and legs if your body attempting to keep itself warm, because you aren't giving it enough energy to keep them warm internally. All the other effects you're experiencing are common of eating disorders.

It's really important you speak to a doctor about this, before you fall any further down this path.Eating disorders are sheer hell, and you need to get out of this. It really isn't worth going to bed not knowing if you'll wake up, or whether your heart will just stop without warning. As for the self harm urges, I'm going to link you to the Alternatives thread. Pick a few, and try them out when you feel the urge to hurt yourself.

I'm sorry you're having to go through this, but I want you to know that I'm always here if you need anyone to speak to, okay? I know this is difficult, but I really believe you can beat this with help.


Take as long as you need.