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Tigerlily. Offline
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Re: Non-purging Bulimia? - July 5th 2012, 04:11 AM

Hey Lauren, I actually dealt with non-purging bulimia for many years, in fact for the majority of the time I have suffered with eating disorders it was by far the one that took up the most amount of that time. It started when I was 9 up until I was 14, so I know how hard it can be, I've had eating disorders of some kind or another for nearly half my life, and as I said, the majority of that time was undiagnosed non-purging bulimia. As for the risks, your metabolism can and very well might go absolutely insane. I gained massive amounts of weight during that particular eating disorder, and then it lead to more issues with it, which then developed into Purging type Bulimia. It can be awful, but basically with non-purging bulimia you face nearly all the risks of the starvation AND the binge eating. It also depends on how long the time between starve and binge is, for me, it was relatively a week of each. But for some, they go through both in the same day. But in general it can make your metabolism very slow, because over eating can make it slower, and starving yourself also makes it slow down and preserve fat.

Resident old person, back from much needed, multiple year hiatus.

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