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Re: What to do? Is he sorry? What about the pregnancy? Raped by ex-boyfriend.? Advice please... - August 11th 2012, 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by adm994 View Post
I'm very sorry to read this story, its not okay that your ex-boyfriend not only hit you but he also raped you. If you do go to the police most likely he will be put in a corrections facility and will most likely be registered as a sex offender depending on where you live; only because you are 15 years old and that in I believe all states now is too young to have sex.

Now about the pregnancy, you have to decide what you want to do,which could either be raise the child yourself, put the child up for adoption, or abortion. It does cost a lot of money to raise a child and a lot of time and effort. I'm not too familiar with putting children up for adoption but in my state you can bring the child within a week of birth and hand it over to authorities no questions asked and they will put your child in a foster home. If you want to seek information about abortions talk to your health care provider as they can assist you through the transition and also give you information regarding the risks and cost of abortions.

Your parents could also press charges on their own being that you engaged in sexual intercourse and you are probably under the states legal age limit.

From what I have read of the situation, I think you should go to the police even though you don't want to, the simple thing is that he put you in danger, raped you at the risk of getting an std, and got you pregnant. I believe if you don't do something now, he could just go and do this all over again to you or someone else.

I hope this helps even a little and feel free to pm me if you have any other information or need help with anything else.
Originally Posted by purplemask View Post
I agree, you need to tell the police. Even if your friend is against abortion, this is your body and your choice. If you want to complete your pregnancy, do so. If you do not, you do not have to. Even if he apologized, rape culture is a dangerous thing, and he could do this again to another woman. It is NOT ok EVER and rapists often do it more than once, ESPECIALLY if they are not reported! Do not make excuses for him!
I am so sorry you are going through this, but be strong, and know that there are people who can help. Decide for yourself if you are going to carry out this pregnancy. Tell the authorites what he did, action really does need to be taken against him. It will ultimately be up to you whether or not you think he should know you are pregnant. He might get violent, he might offer to pay child support or help pay for an abortion. If he wants you to have an abortion and you don't want one, or if you want one and he doesn't want you to do it, remember he never had your CONSENT, and you don't need his for that decision.
Originally Posted by Katz View Post
Hey sorry to hear about what happened to you. How old is your ex? I agree about what has been said before, you should go to the police. Because he might hurt you or someone else.
As of what to do with your baby, taking care of a baby isn't easy to do. You could either put the baby up for adoption or abort the baby. If you aren't able to lose your baby to adoption or abortion you could ask your parents or another trusted adult to help you raise the chile because I am sure you aren't able to take care of a baby at this age.
Good Luck
-My ex will turn 17 this month and I will turn 16 this month.

-Plus you guys make it sound that he will rape again. I know my ex since we were little, he can be a jerk some times, but I doubt that he will do it again. He was too drunk and high to realize what he did.

-And does anyone know if it's you can give your baby away, but that you still can visit it and get it back when you have a home, job,...?
Or am I just hoping for something that does not exict?

Anyway thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it!