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girlfromsocal Offline
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Re: I couldn't stand next to his murderers at the funeral.... - October 16th 2012, 11:08 PM

my grandma had no say in it but she supported it. I don't really have that much against her tbh. It's just his wife ruth. They all use the excuse that he's happier but they can't have known because he never gave an ok to say he wanted to go. He suffered over the years and never did they have evidence that he wanted to die. It just bothers me. I'm ok mostly he didn't mean much to my life. But he was still special in how long he lived how old he could have been not many 40 year olds have their grandfathers not many in their 20's have great grandfathers. I guess it's just ungratitude of some that gets to me.... I took it well never said anything about besides that I offered to watch mom's dog. But it's just when I think of it. It's not the most positive thing in the world. And negative feelings come out...