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Dawn. June 15th 2023 10:40 AM

My own downfall
As some of you know, I started a new job last month and I am really loving my role. I actually look forward to going to work every day now. It's a new position for me to be in and is something that I haven't really done before. I feel like I'm not doing a good enough job, even though no-one has said that I haven't and it's starting to weigh on my mind. Maybe I'm just being too hard on myself. I know I should talk to my supervisors about it but I also feel a little embarrassed to do it as well. We also don't get much time during the day to sit and have a chat.
Has anyone else experienced this feeling?

Silvan June 15th 2023 11:38 AM

Re: My own downfall
Hi Dawn.,
I’m so glad to hear you like your new position! From what you’re saying – about how you look forward to working every day – it sounds as if you really found a great job for yourself.
I’m sorry to hear about your upsetting thoughts, though. I understand that you might feel you’re not doing well enough since it’s all new for you – and especially if you like the job a lot and want to perform as good as possible.
Of course, a chat with your supervisors would be a good idea, as you could hear some direct feedback. However, from what you said it’s not possible at the moment, and therefore I would like to tell you this: it seems you genuinely like your new job, and I am totally sure it’s visible to everyone around you. I believe that when one likes what they do every day, then this energy, mindset and attitude is feelable to their surroundings. It’s not really about the highest performance every day – it’s simply not possible for a human to do a perfect job every single day – it’s about your attitude and engagement.
Neither your supervisors nor you should expect the best performance every day. It’s normal to have better and worse days. Remember not to push yourself too hard. Take regular breaks and eat regular meals, stay hydrated, get up to walk around from time to time (if you have a sitting job), try to sleep well during the night. Of course this is just my advice and it might feel intimidating to try to implement all this at once, but perhaps some of the habits I mentioned could make you feel a little more relaxed at work. Remember that only an employee who takes good care of their mental health can perform well at work.
I’m looking forward to hearing more from you. <3

Ambedo. June 15th 2023 12:51 PM

Re: My own downfall
Hi Dawn,

It's great to hear that you're enjoying your new position! However, adjusting to a new role definitely has its challenges! I've certainly had my moments of doubt regarding my performance when I've taken on a position with a new company or gained a promotion.

As you mentioned, talking to your supervisor(s) is a great way to combat this and definitely isn't something to be embarrassed about! You mentioned not having a lot of time to talk to your supervisors throughout the day, so you may want to consider asking them if you would be able to set aside time to have a conversation. If they know that it's something you'd like to do, they may be able to find a bit of time in the workday to make it happen. If you do have the opportunity to have this conversation, you could say something along the lines of "I've been in my position for about a month now and I was wondering if you have any feedback about my performance. I'm always looking for ways to improve!". Chances are, your supervisors will appreciate the initiative and will be happy to offer constructive feedback if there is any to be had.

If having a conversation with your supervisors isn't possible at the moment (or if you just need something to implement in the time leading up to the conversation), you can also start tracking your successes at work. For instance, if you've achieved a personal or professional goal during the workday, take the time to celebrate that. When you do something well, take note of it and give yourself a pat on the back. It may even be beneficial to write down your daily successes at the end of your shift, no matter how big or small they may seem. Doing so will give you something to look back and reflect on in moments when you are doubting your work performance.

Keep doing an amazing job!

Dawn. June 16th 2023 10:20 AM

Re: My own downfall
Thank you both for your replies.

I did receive a positive comment today from one of my supervisors which has boasted my confidence and has left me realizing that I am being too hard on myself.

Rika September 17th 2023 08:56 PM

Re: My own downfall
Hello! Thanks for posting on the forum! It takes a lot of courage to post and seek help for this. I've felt this way before while in High School.

What I did do was finally cave and find a good time to speak to this person. I spoke to them, and I felt like it took a weight off my shoulders. Could you perhaps send them a text or email to find a time to discuss your concerns and issues? I'd consider doing that! If you cannot do that, I wonder if you could stop and ask in person about finding a good time to talk about things.

I am super sorry you are going through the downfall and hope it will get better for you!

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