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Qwazi June 11th 2009 12:51 PM

WoW addiction
Of the 12million players of World of Warcraft, estimated 40% or so are addicted. Most are raiders, who are sucked in by the social aspect of the game.

Imagine, would you rather be a sad, lonely, socially introverted, shy individual in the real world or a leader, a mighty dragon slayer who, in the case of raiding especially, 24 other people or more look up to like a god?

Real life freinds and relationships fade. WoW ones strengthen, making it a vicious cycle. I was depressed, and used to be hooked, but fortunatly I managed to battle the addiction.

Anyone suffers from this or used to?

St.Vincent June 11th 2009 01:15 PM

Re: WoW addiction
I know someone who's fighting a WoW addiction, and definitely-- the raiding and the social without reality issue is an appealing thing, especially if there's something in your real life that you don't like want to avoid. You avoid by playing the game, and it gets worse and worse irl, forcing you to retreat more and more into the game...

Pelios June 12th 2009 12:15 AM

Re: WoW addiction
WOW is an addiction for many people but not me.
My brother in law is addicted to it, he plays more with it than with my sister :p
jajaja...but I tried it once and its not for me.

PSY June 12th 2009 03:23 AM

Re: WoW addiction
I'm not willing to pay for monthly subscriptions, no matter how awesome the game is.

My ex-boyfriend became addicted to WoW. He would leave a restaurant in the middle of dinner if a waiter was taking too long to bring out his meal, because he was late for a raid. He'd tell me to get it all "to-go" and meet him back at his place... where I would then watch him play for hours upon hours upon hours...

I think there should be an organization for WoW addicts AND their loved ones, same as there is AA and Al-Anon/Alateen. =P

ridiculousness June 12th 2009 06:09 AM

Re: WoW addiction
Sister's addicted...:\ really addicted.
I tried it, got hooked reaaaaaaally bad for like, a month or two...(or three or four :P), but then pulled myself out of it. I just lost interest o.O

I think people are drawn in by the endless possibilities in the game, I mean, the game never stops, you never beat it.

Dream June 12th 2009 07:25 AM

Re: WoW addiction
I'm not addicted to WoW per se, but I am addicted to my computer and EQ2 especially. WoW, which I used to play, is like the crack of MMORPGS, and EQ/EQ2 is the heroin.

I'm also addicted to forums. Go figure.

Gaia June 12th 2009 07:42 AM

Re: WoW addiction
I played WoW casually for 5-6 months, maybe a little longer, and I haven't played in 7 months. I find if you take the game lightly, you won't get too involved. It's those who care a lot about getting things for their character or leveling who sink into addiction.

Raiden19887 June 12th 2009 11:35 AM

Re: WoW addiction
i have never met someone in real life who plays this. I'm not entirely sure what it is. In my opinion you can become addicted to anything and the reason you are addicted is because it is supplying you with something which you cannot get in real life. The way to overcome this addiction is to then find what this thing is and try to incorporate it into your life by healthy means.

Jamie June 12th 2009 02:30 PM

Re: WoW addiction
I've always played it casually and ntohing more- in a way I think as a gamer who's grown up with a controller or keyboard in his hands, I find it a lot easier to pull away from games, but I can see how people can easily get addicted.

iHEAVENn June 12th 2009 06:26 PM

Re: WoW addiction
I play wow..
I'm not addicted as in can't function without it..
But I do enjoy it. It's a good game, if you know how to control your priorities and set it aside when you need to.

lvpeyton June 13th 2009 06:28 PM

Re: WoW addiction
one of my exes brothers were really into WoW. but my ex was so into Star Craft? i think . . he even got me into that damn game. haha, it was fun, but not addicting to me. to him though, it definately was.

Qwazi June 14th 2009 08:28 PM

Re: WoW addiction
I just think what with the credit crunch more people may think:

£200+ a month clubbing and socialising


£9 a month playing WoW each evening.

Algernon June 14th 2009 08:40 PM

Re: WoW addiction
I was a runescape player, which I liked a lot. Then I switched to WoW, and I just found that It took way too long to level up. It would have been different If I'd leveled up and went to new levels more often, but I found myself in very few levels. I just stopped playing, the graphics are good, but I think all the characters look way too cool... So you don't really see any unique players.

Iris June 18th 2009 03:36 AM

Re: WoW addiction
Oh, man, I used to be severly addicted to that game. I played it for a couple years and I actually didn't stop up until a while after the latest expansion- And the only reason I could do that was because I was a PvPer and the BGs had gotten way too hard in my realm, and then all my friends started quitting. I'm better now but wow that game is so addicting, and while its so fun and you make a lot of friends, its just not worth it because its ruined a lot of people's lives. Not everyone's, but its very addicting.

Dream June 18th 2009 06:04 AM

Re: WoW addiction

Originally Posted by Qwazi (Post 165537)
I just think what with the credit crunch more people may think:

£200+ a month clubbing and socialising


£9 a month playing WoW each evening.

Good point.

Rudnet June 18th 2009 06:24 AM

Re: WoW addiction
A lot of people here are addicted to World of Warcraft.

I've tried playing that game many times but it's just too difficult for me to fathom.

At last, I got tired of the game and gave it to my cousin.

iHEAVENn June 18th 2009 08:32 PM

Re: WoW addiction

Originally Posted by xHolyValorx (Post 165545)
I was a runescape player, which I liked a lot. Then I switched to WoW, and I just found that It took way too long to level up. It would have been different If I'd leveled up and went to new levels more often, but I found myself in very few levels. I just stopped playing, the graphics are good, but I think all the characters look way too cool... So you don't really see any unique players.

Level with refer a friend and BAM you're 60 within 2 weeks lol.

Fast21 June 19th 2009 05:01 AM

Re: WoW addiction
When I played WoW, it was on a private server. I played casually on private server and my short time on retail (mainly on retail I played casual was because I was low-leveled). The only addiction in that game was one Saturday where I leveled from 5 to 14 for the whole day. Although I wasn't addicted, I played mmorpgs for that "sad, depressed" reason (it wasn't because of the "no friends" reason. I have tons of friends, just not as social)

Shannon June 19th 2009 05:20 AM

Re: WoW addiction
I really hope Karma doesn't f*ck me over for this one, but I would rather just be an introvert in real life.

Elizabeth June 19th 2009 05:02 PM

Re: WoW addiction
My brother was addicted to this game. After a month of playing his GPA dropped to a 1.3. At that point my mom took the computer away. It has been three months and he still doesn't have it back. He cried for days afterward but then found other things to do.
I think if he went back to it he would be addicted.

Fallen Angel June 19th 2009 05:16 PM

Re: WoW addiction
I know a lot of people who are addicted to WoW. I've never played it but I am addicted to Tribal Wars. Sadly enough, people on there like me more than those in real life.. *sigh*

Nicolette June 25th 2009 06:34 PM

Re: WoW addiction
My bestfriend's husband is on there all day everyday... he gets up early to play before work, when he comes home he heads straight to the computer... he's played for consecutive days at a time. Its sad because its ruining his marriage but he's so lost in that game that he doesn't even really care.

Lozzo June 28th 2009 06:08 PM

Re: WoW addiction
I am craving wow again, I played it for 2 years. Sometimes it was all I ever did, after getting to 70 (which was the level cap then) I quit. A month later I was back for a bit but left again. Though I cant really go back to it, I cant afford to. The game is crazy addictive.. I never got into raiding, i just constantly pvped.

oOo.NICKI.oOo June 28th 2009 07:03 PM

Re: WoW addiction
I've played WoW and I really do like it, but I don't think I'm anywhere near the point of addiction. I haven't even paid for it in almost a month. It's a great game, but I don't play it all the time really and I take a fair amount of time in between each month sometimes. Although when I do have it paid for and can actually play it, I could play for a couple hours at a time. And I know paying a certain amount each month can get a little ridiculous, but I guess if you enjoy the game and want to keep playing, you kind of have to... I guess that's how they make money. :p

I definitely can see people being addicted to it. One of the guys I used to work with played it ALL the time. When he was in college and played it, he would intentionally skip all his classes, just so he could play WoW. I think that's a tad bit extreme just to be able to play the game all day. Anywho, I guess that's all I have to say. >.<

Ayak22 July 12th 2009 04:31 PM

Re: WoW addiction
I can see where the problem starts with this sort of thing and the appeal of it. I, myself, would be willing to play WoW had I the money due to it being somewhere I could be recognised. Similarly, I used to go on forums and post a lot due to trying to be noticed and respected. I think it's a superiority complex or something? But I can see why peoole would play it and it's a shame they get addicted like that.

Lizzie July 12th 2009 04:48 PM

Re: WoW addiction
I love the game, and play it a couple times a week. But that’s it, after awhile you just want to play something else, playing it everyday would get boring. Plus you wouldn’t get the increased experience points for being in a capital city or an Inn for a couple days. :p

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