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DeletedAccount31 December 11th 2011 01:05 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't drink. Alcoholism runs in my family, so I've made the personal decision not to. Plus, too much caffeine doesn't even sit well with me. I don't want to see what alcohol does.

Verità December 11th 2011 01:58 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Personally, I don't drink. Growing up with an alcoholic father, I've seen how bad things can get when a substance like alcohol is abused. I know it's not the alcohol, it's the person misusing it, but both sides of my family have a history of addiction, so I've decided it's safer for me to not try it in the first place. Besides, most people I know that drink do it "for fun". I think I have plenty of fun without being in altered state of mind, so I figure, why bother? :)

yupgift2u December 11th 2011 02:23 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
i don't drink :bleh:

Storyteller. December 11th 2011 03:45 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't drink, given I'm underage and all. I'll be legal (in my country, anyway) by the end of the month, but I think I'll keep my drinking to a minimum. It irritates me how many of my friends go out every week and get absolutely wasted. As my grandfather says, in his day people never drank to get drunk - they went out to have fun, and drinking could be a part of that, but it wasn't the purpose. So, I guess that's where I stand. :nosweat:

Pianissimo December 11th 2011 04:04 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Never have, probably never will. I've seen people do horrible things while under the influence of alcohol and I never want to do any of it.

Viky December 11th 2011 05:31 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I do still drink occasionally. I really shouldn't though o_o I've found that even when I drink a fair amount I don't even get a buzz so I figure it's not worth drinking enough to get me drunk :P The last time I drank (few weeks ago) I chugged 2 and a half beers and had a little Jose quarvo (or however you spell it) and got nothing D:

MWF December 11th 2011 06:14 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Yupper. Id smoke weed to, if I had any.

Veni Vidi Vici December 11th 2011 09:00 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I do, only weekly though when we have our friday get togethers. And yes, ever since I've started drinking, I've had a gut, so I do suppose it puts on quite a bit of weight.

Astrael December 11th 2011 09:16 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink. Not very often though, 2 maybe 3 times a month at the most. It's a bad habit and i tend to drink too much, but hell, I'm in college at a party school. there are people who drink every day here so my few and far in between days are appreciated.
and it does tend to make you gain at least a little weight cuz the drinks DO have calories and youre consuming them.

anony mouse. December 12th 2011 12:34 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I rarely drink, as it takes a lot to get me proper drunk and I don't really have the money for it. Plus it's not fun and I tend to get pretty sick afterwards.

DeletedAccount71 December 14th 2011 07:40 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink it on an irregular basis. Sometimes it'll be once a week, others I will go months without it. It's fun in moderation. But once I start getting shitfaced it feels crappy as hell, and I hate that feeling. I have to be careful, too, because I take meds that amplify the effects of alcohol, so last time I drank I got drunk out of my mind in a not-so-convenient location. I'm not really supposed to drink at all, but my doctor said a little once in a while won't kill me, so I am going to take her word.

Anomaly December 15th 2011 01:09 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't. I have before and lets just say I turn into a not really nice person. Also I'm underage another reason I don't. Once it's legal for me I might have a drink or two, but that's about it. It's never really appealed to me.

DeletedAccount56 December 15th 2011 08:04 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink most weekends, but not too excess. I'm a bit of a lightweight and after a certain number of drinks, I just dont like the taste of it anymore. I know my limit and have never passed out. I have had a few headaches the next morning but nothing majorly bad.

Also I'm pretty prone to chest infections and colds so I have to look after myself and keep my health in check. Drinking too much runs me down and that's no fun at all.

Tigerlily. December 15th 2011 08:58 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Well the most I have ever had was 3/4 of a can of beer and that's when I was trying to drown my sadness with alcohol. I hate the flavour of beer though, I'm a girly girl when it comes to alcoholic drinks, they have to be sweet. I rarely drink now but when I do I'm with family and I have permission. Like for New years we're putting a mudslide in the freezer before hand for us all to share. And I can stand those because the chocolate makes it sweet, but the only drinks I've had that I liked were mudslide and a sweet white wine. I've never been and don't plan to ever be until my 21st birthday, drunk. Even then I might decide not to get drunk, but hey I'm thinking I might so as to know what that's like when I'm legal age.

Squiggly December 17th 2011 06:24 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
yes, I drink alcohol socially. I have only been drunk once though and I really didn't enjoy it at all. For me it was like instant hangover.

Palmolive December 17th 2011 10:00 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink, but not very often. When I'm at parties or an occasions I get drunk, but like I said, I don't very often. :)

ShesNotThere December 18th 2011 01:12 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't drink. I might when I'm legal, but not a lot.

Evanesco December 18th 2011 10:08 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't drink. I might start when I'm legal but I probably won't. I don't like what it tastes like. :p

bitesize December 18th 2011 11:27 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Yeah I do. Probably the cultural influence, but I love getting drunk (as long as it's to have fun, obviously.) I drink a lot less than I used to ~ mostly because of money, being in final year of college, and being in a long term relationship where you spend more weekends hanging inside and not necessarily going out and getting drunk. All of my friends drink too, at least a few times a month.

L'espoir December 18th 2011 10:01 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I dont drink too often because I dont go out much.. but when I do go out I tend to get quite drunk, as does pretty much everyone I know. I love vodka & coke too much, it has to be said.

Skeleton December 18th 2011 10:09 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I do drink, yes. I think I drink more at home or at a friends then I do going out and drinking because it's too expensive these days to go out and drink.

AmazonQueen December 20th 2011 01:00 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Yeah mostly as a social/celebratory thing while with family. Or during the summer when I visit my mom we crack open a few coolers in the evenings
I don't drink to get drunk though, just doesn't at all look "fun" to me.
I rather like smirnoff, tequila coolers, bacardi and sometimes rum but thus far the only things I've really "gotten into" lol

forfrosne December 20th 2011 01:03 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Rarely. When I do it's normally just a Carlsberg and that's when there's nothing else in the fridge. That said there is nothing like a freezing cold Carlsberg on a really hot summers day. Nothing.

Fabrication December 20th 2011 01:09 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Once when I was about 3 or 4, I mistaken my mom's Bourbon and Coke for Pepsi, but it was only a little sip. It tasted awful
And then when I was about 10, my aunt had her beer next to my Pepsi, and I took a huge chug, thinking it was my Pepsi. >.< I hauled ass to the bathroom, needless to say.

I am never drinking alcohol again ;-;

(and is it weird that your mom offers you champagne/white wine during family gatherings? .__.)

Evanescent December 20th 2011 05:48 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink every once in a while but it's pretty rare.

Dawn. December 20th 2011 09:24 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink socially and SOMETIMES at home when there isn't a special occasion. But I know my limits and I've never been drunk.

WhisperingSilence December 20th 2011 11:32 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Yes I do drink alcohol, nearly everyone in my family does, my dad drinks a-lot, my mum usually has one or two glasses of wine a night sometimes 3. Both my sisters drink. My and my sister don't drink every night though, my youngest sister drinks with permission from my parents, my other sister does not need permission to drink as she is old enough to do so. Same with me I'm 21 so do need to have permission to drink I do drink probably about once or twice a week. Usually this time of year I drink more because of all the festivities. If I go out with friends I do get really drunk and usually results in a pretty hefty hangover the next day.

Flying_Spirit December 20th 2011 05:16 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Ok I feel like so weird saying this here but I drink quite a lot on a night out, a litre of rum gets me tipsy, captain morgans and orange tastes like a super split. I am Irish and the one thing that I was taught growing up is that it is part of our culture but you never drink until you don't know your own name. Funnily enough I don't get hangovers even when I mix drinks. :P Also because I am in university that usually means I go out twice a week, sometimes more or sometimes less. There really is nothing wrong with alcohol people just need to not abuse it. It is not as addictive as people might like to think.

ARTPOP January 3rd 2012 11:26 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
AAHAHAAHA, I do. But i'm considering stopping all together. It's not worth the hangover... at all. Also not worth reading your texts the next morning and it alllll flooding back :glare:

And doors, they cause problems :bleh:

Magical Forest. January 3rd 2012 11:47 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I do drink, but not a lot. When I go out I tend to get particularly drunk, but when i'm on my own, a few glasses of wine maybe. That would only be one night a week.
(I never really go out by the way, thats why I make up for it when I do :p)

Maverick. January 4th 2012 05:18 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
My father is a raging alcoholic. I took a vow that I would never be like him. So I choose not to drink.

leavemealone January 4th 2012 05:35 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I never have and never will. I don't see joy in it, and I don't plan on finding out if there is. Life was made to be clear.

ChelleBelle97 January 4th 2012 05:44 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I do when I go over my friend's house. Hahaha, it was a little over a month ago. We mixed Absolute Vodka with half a RockStar Energy Drink. And, I chugged it before we went to her dad's birthday party at his work. (Glass shop) Her grandpa drove us there, I got out of the truck, and felt so dizzy. :/ Lol well, we went to her rv, thankfully. So, noone could notice. But, that night.. when we was home alone until like 8:00 the next morning.. We drank some more. A little of everything. I drank some straight up bourbon and it made my stomach and chest hurt so bad for a while, then everything set in. And, apparently.. I was laying on her kitchen floor, humping the air, telling my boyfriend on her phone to screw me. LOL so, I'm a horny drunk and I had to stop for him. He doesn't like it. :/ haha

bee January 4th 2012 12:43 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't drink. To me, alcohol tastes absolutely disgusting... when I was younger and stupider, I did drink (quite a lot on occasions, in fact) but I really can't stand it now. I'm glad I got it out of my system when I was young in a way. Alcohol does horrible things to people.

Chadwiick January 4th 2012 02:08 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't drink. I can taste and smell if any alcohol is present. It's extremely awful. Plus with my family history (even though my parents aren't hard drinkers). I'm not going to risk it. Too much to lose > too little to gain. I'll stick with my water and root beer.

dj_chicharito January 4th 2012 03:20 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
i love drinking but only if its with company and good food. like i love the combo of a nice steak(that i make my self) and a gud beer and occasionaly i love scotch and soda...jack daniel's and coke my fav...im not addicted and i drink only occasionaly when i go out

blumemusik♫ January 4th 2012 05:11 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I have the occasional drink with the family.
I got drunk the other day for the first time. Not fun. Not fun. Not fun. Not doing it again :')

Just Peachy. January 4th 2012 05:58 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink every once in a blue moon. I mean, I don't like to drink much because Alcoholism does run in my family pretty strong. And when I do drink, I never drink to get drunk. Because I don't like completely out of control feelings. Plus, hang overs suck a ton. Drinking can be real fun for me. But there are other times where it's not fun. I don't like feeling like I'm going to puke or that I have the spins. That's why I never drink to get drunk. Because, to be quite honest, I'm fine with just a buzz.

DeletedAccount32 January 7th 2012 03:19 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't drink. I'm underage, for one (although that doesn't stop the vast majority :p) and I also don't think it would end well for me, considering my family's history of addiction. Even when I am of age, I probably won't drink.

Everglow. January 8th 2012 06:21 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink a glass of wine or something on special occasions, and only when it's given to me by my family or someone that I trust and my parents know. I don't drink when I go out with friends and if I go to birthday parties I'd only ever drink a little bit, and make sure that my parents know about it afterwards. I have no intention of getting drunk any time soon because it scares me.

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