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Ennui. August 22nd 2023 10:53 PM

I'm looking to get back into reading.
I'm trying to start reading again because it's been a long time. So, I decided to go to my local library. I thought this would help me get back into reading because with library books you have a due date for them to be returned, where a book I buy for myself has no deadline and therefore I'm not motivated to read it. They have an interlibrary loan system, so if my local library doesn't have the book and another library in the system in another city does, they can get it for me.

I'm looking for book suggestions. I've checked out a few young adult related books today and didn't like one of them once I got it home. The suggestions don't have to be specifically young adult related though.

When I was a teenager I liked reading books about characters with mental health conditions, as well as LGBTQ+ characters, but I'm open to other books as well. I'm looking for books and a brief synopsis to see if I should check it out!

Dawn. August 23rd 2023 10:36 AM

Re: I'm looking to get back into reading.
Hi Dez,

It may not be the type of books that you are after but I do enjoy reading:

Harry Potter Series
Twilight Series
Any books from Colleen Hoover
Any books from Harper Lee

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