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Astrophile. September 29th 2015 01:00 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You've lost my respect.

Kate* September 29th 2015 04:11 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Please keep in mind the shift I applied for, please don't call at the crack of dawn and if I call you back the same day you might want to respond. I find it odd that you called me at 10, but were somehow gone by 3:30 and didn't call back.

I don't know why you're changing drugs again, why can't I just have the generic of the one I was already taking? And I get that mistakes happen, I would've been more accepting if this didn't come at the end of an 8 month fight to figure this out.

Probably should've tried to do it, but these were the only 2 days I really couldn't. I REALLY hope brining that up didn't hurt my chances, but I kind of had to and since I did nothing wrong to cause it, I'm not ashamed of it anymore. I can probably handle them in "extremely part time" doses and it's a place to start if nothing else.

Kintsukuroi. September 29th 2015 04:49 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Thanks for that ending of the episode. I'm now going to spend the rest of the night rewatching scenes on youtube and hoping Monday comes fast because I can't even. >.<

Kate* October 4th 2015 01:40 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You together with him are 90% of her stress NO she DOES NOT "bring a lot of it on herself!" YOU DO and I know it's wrong to say this, but I'm glad we don't have to take you tomorrow. It's a huge pain, barely worth it, and considering the mood I'm in, I just don't think I would've had it in me to deal with you all day.

When you've been dealing with stuff like this your whole life, you develop a pretty high tolerance because you have no choice; but this BROKE me and you'll never have to deal with that.

So, you'll hire high school kids with no experience, but you won't even give me an interview. Don't worry, it's not like I need income or have loan payments or anything.

I'm holding on because of you, but I can't fight anymore.

You know, the only thing worse than getting screwed over is being lied to while it's happening. I've learned to never trust again and I have to remember not to bother asking for those because they lied to me too.

Clarent October 4th 2015 03:25 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I wish I was the one you trusted.

Rivière October 5th 2015 11:56 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You asked if I had any barriers. I don't know if I had any barriers and presented a possible one. I wasn't saying it as an excuse, if I was I'd have brought it much sooner, mentioned a whole lot of other details too, and moped around about it. I didn't. Why? Because I only saw them as excuses.

Luke Horan October 5th 2015 04:01 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You're beautiful in everyway... i wish you knew how i felt or if you feel the same way.. :) x

Jordioa18 October 5th 2015 07:19 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You're a fucking asshole. I hope you're satistfied with molesting one of my best friends. If it wasn't for me leaving the party and sleeping over there instead, you might've molested my girlfriend. It serves you right to get out of the squad, but you need to get in juvenile jail.

hocus pocus October 6th 2015 05:00 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I have some choice words for you, fibro.

Sophrosyne October 6th 2015 12:32 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I wish you realised that I am trying so please stop just complaining that I am being rude and lazy because I am doing the best I can. Just stop. I don't mean to be this way. I am trying. So please understand that. It would make everyones lives so much easier and save all the screaming you do at me. You complain when I yell at you when I get scared but us saying one word results in a full on screaming fit from you and we haven't even done anything. Please understand that that is not how it works. Blaming it on us afterwards also does not help anything. Its just you being horrible like usual. I want to tell you so much and then you go ruin it. Just when I thought you had changed you go and start arguments again.

Astrophile. October 7th 2015 03:19 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I'm so glad that I don't talk to you anymore.

obelus October 7th 2015 09:34 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I'm sorry that what you said still bothers me. I want to tell you that it does but I know it would make you feel terrible and I'm sorry even though what you said was a horrible thing to say.

Skyline October 7th 2015 02:54 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I have two things to say to two different people...

Juliette, I know this may sound weird but I guess you'll get it, because of who you are. I went through your art today and was amazed... You have no idea how inspiring you are. To tell you the truth, I actually cried when I read some of your entries -- you have no idea how much we are alike. Your art is amazing, stop worrying about what people will think.

Rowan, I know I acted irrationally and was even unfair, which is very unlike me, but you don't know how much I would like us to be friends. You are one of the nicest people I know, and you deserve so much more than the relationship we had. What I did was extremely selfish, but in a way I'm happy that I dated you, because I discovered how nice you are. Take care.

Forging Galaxies October 7th 2015 08:13 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Sacrifices have to be made for the future, oh and I don't have a life... yet. Which is why I don't have the normal sleeping patterns as any other human being.

Just fuck off and let me make the hard choices, not you. Ever.
Also, stop waking the fuck out of me for what's considered early for me.
So stop trying to "sort" my sleeping patterns out, you just make me dislike you more and more. Besides, I'm not going through that hell of sorting my sleeping patterns again just to lose that fucking progress to depression and shit.

Kate* October 8th 2015 12:13 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
"I hope you're joking" Really because I'm not, but I'm not defending myself to you. I hope you know you're an ass even though you claim to be a Christian. If not, you'll get a rude awakening at some point. I'm being the bigger person by ignoring you and my belief system has NOTHING to do with you anyway. Besides, you could've just answered him instead of coming after me and accusing me of basically being stupid. What I said was not wrong, but what you did, was.

An episode has never spoken to me like that. I would've been over the moon if my situation had gone that way. I was never going to give up, but I can't keep trying anymore. They fit that description perfectly, and they gave up on me. I wish it could've turned out the way I wanted.

Calaer October 9th 2015 05:41 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I want you to grow up. I want you to realize that you don't have to rush in to things and feel obligated to stay with someone who doesn't have your best interest at heart.

Kate* October 14th 2015 05:12 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You're wrong about that and you're only making yourself look incredibly immature, hostile, and stupid so I'm just going to block you and let you run with it.

Today's the day I'm counting as a year even though technically it's been 8 months. And yes it's everything I feared and so much more. I know what I'm capable of its a shame I'll never use any of it. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it; This BROKE me, it was the last straw. I'm not contacting you unless it feels right; you are the wrong person for this, I can't risk burning the bridge, but I still want you to make it okay somehow. I have to stop thinking about you it's not like you're thinking about me this much. You probably forgot about me the second I walked out the door (although I've heard that doesn't always happen)I need you to know that this killed me even though you don't care.

Calaer October 14th 2015 01:40 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I've always wanted us to be a family. A 'real' family. I wish you and Dad had never gotten a divorce. I wish you two were better people in general. Maybe then things would have been different. Maybe I wouldn't always feel like I'm always a failure. I guess the truth of the matter is that your had ran out of time in your eternity.

I miss seeing you as my mother, rather than a two hour journey to sit and talk about life for a moment or two.

Kate* October 18th 2015 05:47 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
This is hypothetical based on the time my supervisor told me that if something bad happened with me, then that agency would probably never take anyone from my program again, then something happened, but this is what I wish I could've said:

Even he (my psychologist at the time who always told me I was overreacting to everything I was being told), admitted that was out of line. I was no angel, I apologized profusely for it, and for what it's worth I'm not sure I had complete control over it. However, the actions another person takes in response to my behavior are not my responsibility; especially considering I did what I could to make it right. I will not be guilt-tripped into accepting blame for someone else's choices. This was the ONLY time in 20 years that it happened, if they make a decision that drastic based on one incident then there's more going on. But, if you want to play the blame game, someone allowed me to when there were years worth of doubt and PLENTY of time to shut me down, and I did what she told me to after it happened even if she lied and tried to put her lack of action back on me. If they told the truth and my reputation isn't shot, then on some level you know my true character and believe at least part of my side of it. If they lied and it is shot, then I'm as screwed as I thought, but karma will get them for that. This ruined my life and there will be karma for your parts in it. I'm also betting that they don't know like I do that your notes were full of words you twisted to make me look bad, and I bet that it's not in their story that I left because she told me to, only that she blamed me for the fact that she never said anything to my face about it because I left.

obelus October 18th 2015 06:46 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You three are part of the scum of this Earth and will never amount to anything if you continue this way.

Calaer October 18th 2015 09:27 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I really want to have more faith in you as a person, and I really don't want to have to feel like I'm betraying you to get you to have respect for yourself and do what needs to be done.

Nightblood. October 18th 2015 10:12 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I can't do this again.

Rivière October 20th 2015 01:02 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I don't know how you came to the conclusion mashed potatoes were expensive. You put the potatoes chopped up into a pan of water, boil them up for about 10-15 minutes, drain them when they're soft, mash them with a potato masher and add butter to suit....

PeaceSoundsNice October 20th 2015 02:36 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Dear grandmother,
I am pansexual and gender fluid, but I still love God. Why is it that you are always so judgemental? Your constant nagging about a love between two women being "evil" are both hurtful and incorrect. If you had an open mind, I would tell you about how a pastor interpreted those verses as referring to something completely different and they're only homophobic taken out of context. Yes, you are homophobic. You may deny it all the time, but saying that you would refuse to sell flowers to a gay couple is freaking homophobic b definition.
One more thing: how do you feel about you and my grandfather being the only two people in the family who I haven't come out to? I don't plan on it, either. Why? Because I can't trust you.
That being said, I love you will all my heart and am praying for you to understand. <3

Skyline October 20th 2015 03:14 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I know this is strange and I know this is problematic and I know this is crazy because we barely know eachother, but sometimes you just know that you're good for one another, and I really fucking like you and it would mean so much to me for you to say the same thing about me. Pizza this weekend?

Skyline October 20th 2015 03:16 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

Originally Posted by Rivière (Post 1207521)
I don't know how you came to the conclusion mashed potatoes were expensive. You put the potatoes chopped up into a pan of water, boil them up for about 10-15 minutes, drain them when they're soft, mash them with a potato masher and add butter to suit....

I love it how amongst all of these comments to do with depression or coming out or loving someone, you're talking about mashed potatoes x)

Rivière October 20th 2015 06:18 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

Originally Posted by Skyline (Post 1207604)
I love it how amongst all of these comments to do with depression or coming out or loving someone, you're talking about mashed potatoes x)

I have to admit I didn't even notice but now that you mention it, I had to laugh. It looks so out of place! XD

A_Anonymous October 21st 2015 01:21 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
To my boyfriend:
I want you to fall in love with me so I can fall back into your arms and stay there forever, and not worry that you'll let me go.

Darling I think I'm in love with you...and it hurts to hide.

I wish I knew who you really were so I could stop struggling to figure it out without any help. You've shown me split personalities. All I want to know is which one you'll choose when we get more serious about each other.

To my ex-best friend:

You're a fake asshole and I feel bad for anyone who ever becomes friends with you in the future. I hope you change. I wanted you to change. But it's to late for us anymore. Too much damage in between. So go enjoy life and feel guilty about the ones you left behind. Especially me. I was the one that cared the most. You just cared about yourself. Well, guess what? I'm letting it go. No. I let it go. By asshole.

I no longer care---curiosity just gets the best of me

Astrophile. October 21st 2015 04:53 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Or not... Thanks for nothing.

*CatchingStars* October 21st 2015 06:23 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I told you I didn't do it. You chose not to believe me broke my heart and than when you realize I was telling the truth you just wanted to be friends still how am I suppose to talk to you and forget how you chose to ignore me and not trust me. I'm still hurt and I still love you but now I know you never even loved me

Calaer October 21st 2015 02:32 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I wish you were going to be part of our lives this year. The holidays are coming up, and all I can think about is you coming over to see your granddaughter again for the first time in two years. How excited you would be to see how much she has grown. It's sad to think you don't even care anymore.

Kate* October 24th 2015 05:31 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
This is suicide bad and I want you to fix it, but I know you can't.

It's absolutely CRAZY to me how similar it was (and maybe still is) to an abusive relationship. There were better, more professional ways to counsel me out than what you did and you know it. He said you were being reasonable and I was overreacting, but that's not the only thing he didn't quite "get". Yet, I still want you to make it okay somehow.

If everything happens for a reason then not only must there be an AMAZING reason I lost this, but there has to be a really good one, aside from the obvious, that he wasn't available to handle it and help me; because if he were meant to, he would've. That doesn't mean I don't still wish he had and I still want to have that discussion with him because I need help and I'm curious what the right way to handle it would've been and what he was going to tell me.

Astrophile. October 24th 2015 07:09 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I'm just gonna keep my opinions to myself from now on cause they don't matter. :D

Calaer October 24th 2015 05:40 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Now that you moved, I already feel the stress gone. Don't get me wrong, I'll miss you in a way. I'll miss my sister as well, but I'm so glad you're not here breathing down my throat.

Nightblood. October 24th 2015 11:57 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I'm seriously contemplating throwing away the last 117 days.

Toxic Mermaid October 25th 2015 07:31 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I didn't ask for your opinion, in fact I told you I'd rather not hear it. I guess I need to go back to hiding how I feel about this.

Rivière October 25th 2015 04:51 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Stop asking me how far I've got. The fact you keep disturbing me or yelling at the top of you lungs at the bottom of the stairs asking about dinner means you've interrupted me. It means I've lost my flow. It means I'm now too irritated to continue and it certainly means I won't have got very far doing it.

Does no one listen or understand when I tell them I get distracted easily and find it hard to focus? I mean, really. Stop it. Stop asking me. Stop interrupting me. Stop distracting me. Nothing is going to get done if you keep doing it. What do you think is going to happen if you keep doing all of this? That I'll write it faster and better? Because I won't.

I was doing so well. Finally felt like I'd written down an actual decent piece and then boom, 'Anyone want dinner!?'. It's 4:30 PM....

Astrophile. October 25th 2015 04:53 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You are creepy. :nosweat:

Kate* October 26th 2015 04:03 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I feel like I'm trapped in my body, I'm miserable, all I want to do is scream at the top of my lungs, and nothing will ever go right. Success with this disorder never happens so if that's what you want for me, you'll be disappointed, but it's not the first time I've disappointed you. I want the conversation you told me we would have. It probably wasn't anything major or even that helpful, but I feel like I missed out on something. It's not like you think about me this much and the flashbacks can stop now.

You said you wanted me to succeed, even if it wasn't with you. Unfortunately, you're going to be disappointed. Success with this is impossible, much like everything else I want. I will never have it, that's why the suicide rate is so high for people like me. I want you to have to contend with this, but you'll never have to even if I were to ask I know you couldn't help me even if you wanted to.

I want to contact you so badly right now (which is exactly why I made that boundary for myself), you did say to let you know if I needed anything, but you also end all your emails that way so I know you don't really mean it, plus you're dealing with God knows what so you couldn't help me even if you wanted to. I really wish you could though, I don't know what else to do. I know offers of help are by no means guaranteed, he offered in person, in front of witnesses and then blew me off (and no one could believe he did because it was so unlike him), I'm out of ideas, but at least most of the flash backs stopped, but part of me still feels like it might happen for no reason. I HATE THIS and I'm DONE.

Clarent October 26th 2015 01:47 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I don't even understand what are you expecting. Is this even still a relationship? TALK TO ME. COMMUNICATE, FOR GOD'S SAKE.

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