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-   -   Say something you wish you could say to their face. (http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f35-games-things/t32-say-something-you-wish-you-could-say-their-face/)

Slade February 1st 2010 02:20 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
maybe there is something bad wrong with my heart babe... But how do we know??

Stardaze February 1st 2010 02:32 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
If something is wrong baby, please tell me. I don't want anything to happen to you. I'm not going to worry for no reason. I will stay up with all you all night. Just please clue me in on things. I want to help you. I want to be here for you. don't be afraid, please?
I love you so much.

aspire009 February 1st 2010 03:01 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Just SHUT UP I dont care about you at all, i live how i like and im happy being myself i DONT NEED YOU to be a friend, GO AWAY and leave me alone!!!!

Loving Linux Penguin February 1st 2010 03:11 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Dude, SHUT UP!!!

Believe it or not, I'm not the total misfit you think I am and I DO have friends and you trying to make me feel bad is NOT going to stop them from being my friends because they like me for who I am. If you have a problem with me, I'm sorry, but I'm NOT changing just because 2 or 3 people (LIKE YOU) in my life think that I'm a piece of dog crap!

Pixel'd February 1st 2010 03:18 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Bobby, I see you everyday and I know your interested. Act on it? Thanks.

a_girlsdreams February 1st 2010 05:55 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I had a dream about you again last night.
Can you please get out of my head?
We lived together.
I had my own apartment and some how, for some reason, you moved in.
You didnt ask me.
You didnt even tell me.
You just showed up at my door one day with all of your things.
I knew you loved me, even though you didnt say it.
Everything was back to perfect.

Broken one February 1st 2010 06:52 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I love you so much, you will never realise just how much
but I don't mind, because I know you love me too.
Your not perfect, no where near it, but your amazing.
Your strong, you have a good heart, you do your best to make sure everyone you know is happy, but you never take time for yourself.
I want you to talk to me about your problems, I'll listen, I want to be here for you if you'll let me, if not, then you know I am here for you anyway.
If something ever happens then all you have to do is come here. If your ever hurt by your family then please tell me.
I will love you for ever and always.

savealife723 February 2nd 2010 01:35 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
i wish i could really tell you this; but it's hard.
at night, i just lay in bed. listening to the rain fall on my roof.
it feels like it's pounded at my skin, and breaking it to hit my heart.
i can't sleep at night, and i don't sleep all day.
thinking about you gives me all the energy i need to make it.

i love thinking about you all the time,
but i hate how at night, when i'm thinking,
all i can wonder is if you're dreaming about her while i want to be dreaming of you.

ThePunkAlien February 2nd 2010 01:49 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
A fucking economy. Fucking deserted by a bastard father and falling apart mother. A world falling apart. A fucking anxiety disorder that is usually genetic, a lasting gift you fucking gave me! Tell me, please - what don't I have to be angry about???? But that doesn't care, the madness - it fuels me, it's gotten me this far hasn't it? And Dad, hope to spit on your grave when you look up on the screen and see my name.

Slade February 2nd 2010 02:27 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I hate you

I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you

You're tearing this family appart.
An I'm trying so hard to make ends meet
for you.

So why is it not working?

Stardaze February 2nd 2010 02:31 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I need you. Pick up the phone and call me. Please babe?

eaty February 2nd 2010 02:40 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You could have killed me, or hurt me pretty bad. Because you fucked up and didn't do things right, we did more then one mistake. Made me look like crap, almost killed me, because you fucked up. Sorry doesn't fix it, nothing does.

I don't trust you, i haven't the whole time i have known you. You make me not look forward to FF-1, because i am scared the same mistake will happen.

Thank fucking god i am smarter then that and do things the best i can.

lostandalone February 2nd 2010 03:10 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I am right here !!! Why can't you see me? I like you, please look at me.

TheNumber42 February 2nd 2010 06:26 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
1: I miss you, I miss the real you. Please come back, I don't want to do this without you. I'm so worried about you. I'm trying not to even think about what a mess my own life is.

I love you and I just fucking miss you so much. I need you, I need you so badly. I'm so scared to lose you forever.

2: You fucking dick, quit treating me like shit. We're going tobe family forever, so could you at least thinly veil your disgust with me?

3: I want to talk to you. I want to tell you everything. I need someone right now, but I just can't. I try to and I can't find the words. I know that you're trying so hard, I'm sorry that I'm failing.

Bibliophile February 2nd 2010 10:49 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You've already lost me.

Skeleton February 2nd 2010 02:08 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Why do I try when losing you clearly is much better then having you?

a_girlsdreams February 2nd 2010 07:19 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I had another dream last night.
About trains.
There were two of them.
I was stopped at the tracks.
Deciding what to do with my life.
One train passed.
Right behind it was a second speeding train.
Before I could get infront it passed me.
I stood there crying.
I woke up after that.
Where you there?

*Rainbow*Rider* February 2nd 2010 09:28 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You suck the goodness out of everything and everyone.

ThePunkAlien February 2nd 2010 11:39 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Dad, I'm slowly - yet surely - beating this fucking curse you handed down to me.... FUCK YOU!!!

Feather February 3rd 2010 02:29 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I'm losing myself, and I'm losing myself quickly. I won't find myself again and you can't even see it happening.

I want to reach out, I want to say 'I need you', but I can't.. I can't let you know.

a_girlsdreams February 3rd 2010 02:40 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Im drunk.
Home alone.
All alone.
Right now.
In bed.
Thinking about what I dont want to.
Im scared.
Home alone.
All alone.
Right then.
In bed.
I dont want to think about him tonight.
I cant help myself.
Tell me its okay, please tell me its okay.
I need you, you promised.

Batman. February 3rd 2010 07:22 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
"Don't fucking tell me you love me, then not bother trying to help me when I'm at this fucking low! Why don't you just DATE him, since OBVIOUSLY he's more worth your time than I am, because he's too fucking stupid to break up with her despite her bullshit! You fucking ASSHOLE!!"

Wow... that felt kinda good...

niente_ February 3rd 2010 10:21 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I love you so much. You're my world, you mean so much to me.
I don't think you'll really realise how truly amazing you are.
I just hope you love me too.
I'll never treat you like she did.
I just wanna be with you now, cuddling you to sleep.
You are my life.

*Rainbow*Rider* February 3rd 2010 10:40 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I know you can do this.

Palmolive February 3rd 2010 11:03 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I need you're help...

Please help me?

ThePunkAlien February 3rd 2010 11:38 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I'm a little messed up. I have no idea what you see in me. You act like you like me, don't know if dating or friends. You're throwing me - or seemingly throwing me - signals. Or are you just being nice? If you do like me, I just really hope I don't hurt you. I'm afraid of losing all the confidence and new life I've built, but I'm even more afraid of letting you in and then automatically shutting you out... I just, I've started to care for you too much that I fear I'll subconsciously block you out. God, I just wish I could be a normal guy for you without all this baggage.

EightEleven91 February 4th 2010 12:25 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I try 110% for you and you throw it back in my face everytime!

Maloo February 4th 2010 12:50 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you.
And I always will hate you.
I'm never, EVER going to forgive you.
So just get the fuck out of my life.

Stardaze February 4th 2010 01:57 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I can't wait too see you.
To hold you.
To tell you i love you.

Bring me to that moment, and lets never let it end :)


Skeleton February 4th 2010 07:04 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Tip? Take more. Go deeper. Do it right.

savealife723 February 4th 2010 10:48 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
person one:
i hate seeing you with her because it reminds me of when she broke your heart the last time. i know that a year has come and gone since then, but she hasn't changed at all. you deserve so much better than her, and i wish you knew that. she's not good enough for you at all. the way she talks to you, the way she follows you around, the way she stands when she's with you, it's all just bad signs. she's no different than she was. please don't choose her. please pick me. i'm not only saying she's bad because i love you, i'm saying she's bad because i care about you, and i don't want you to get hurt. i wouldn't care if you didn't pick me, but pick anyone but her. she's using you to get to jake. i know she is. she told jake. and i can't believe jake didn't tell you. he's your best friend. i wanna tell you but i don't know how. i don't want you to think that i'm trying to ruin you guys because then i will never get a chance with you. please. i will be loyal to you. i don't like you for the reasons she likes you. i like you for so much more than that. please... see that she's using you.

triggering below.
person two:
how can you be doing this to me? you say that you're always there for me, and then you're going behind my back again. you say i can trust you, but i really can't anymore. please just stop trying to talk to me, and leave me alone. i'm better without you in my life.

why don't you just slit your throat with the knife you shoved in my back?

ThePunkAlien February 5th 2010 03:54 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
What did I ever do to deserve you? What do you see in me? Thank you for helping to save me and building my self-confidence. You might not know how much it means to me to have met you. But, you're helping me become the same boy I was 13 years ago before I became a shell. I won't ever have the guts to tell you all this, but - thank you.

Batman. February 5th 2010 04:36 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
"Don't fucking tell me that you care, just to never be there for me! I don't know why you won't just stop breaking my heart and be fucking honest. Is it so goddamn hard? I need you SO much right now, and yet, you don't seem to care. What has you too pre-occupied to give a fuck? " :'(

noise94 February 5th 2010 02:28 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You're so unbelievably nerdy- I fucking love it. :D

Allons-y! February 5th 2010 08:58 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I'm sorry, I was under the impression that we had plans tonight. You can hang out with your friends if you want; that's perfectly fine. But you know that if I don't hang out with you, I have to drive all the way home and then back into town again later tonight because as you know, I don't have the luxury of having friends like you do. Also, I made it perfectly obvious that I wanted to do something; you could have at least offered to hang out later.

No, no, that's fine. I'll just sit here and stare at nothing. You keep paying $30 every two weeks (that's where all your money is going, by the way; so much for "trying" to save for our vacation) to play that stupid fucking game. I don't mind, I swear.

xxxAJxxx February 5th 2010 09:37 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Person 1- I love youu so muchh. It may seem weird to you, but i felt this way since the day we met. I hope you decide to change your mind about... well... even that i dont want to say here. but you know.

Person 2-GET OFF MY BACK!!! Cant you see i need you to support me right now and not treat mee like shit??? Stop acting so childish. Your like four times my age.

Everyone else- go away. you all annoy meh. xD

Alex xox February 5th 2010 09:58 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I just wish i hadnt told you if i hadnt then maybe noone would hate me and maybe youd still be together im sorry for all the heartache but couldnt it all be forgotten so i feel welcome at school again cos im not sure i can go in, i didnt really need the day off today but i couldnt see everyones faces sayin that im a jealous cow
im sorry its all my fault

Batman. February 5th 2010 10:51 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
To "J": Seriously, your friend "C" is being a drama queen. Tell him to grow a set, it could be fucking worse. Damn, I'd love to talk to him and tell him what REAL heartache is like.

To "P": You confuse me. Really. I'd love for you to just, get your priorities straight. Don't ask other people out when you're still pining over someone that you bitch about half the time, who was an outright shallow bitch to you. You deserve better, man!

Rosemma February 5th 2010 11:15 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I really want to talk to you about all that stuff... in fact I really need to.
please sit me down tomorrow and talk to me about it.
I know I act like I dont care and I dont want to talk, its because I just feel too ashamed and pathetic but I know I really need to.
So just make me, just do it. Please.

Doodle. February 5th 2010 11:38 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You really are a using little turd, aren't you? :)

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