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TeenHelp March 12th 2021 05:24 AM

Coping with the Covid-19 pandemic
Coping with the Covid-19 pandemic
By Hollie (Everglow.)

Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic began at the end of 2019, the world as we know it has changed drastically. Globally, we have endured lockdowns, isolation, and a continuous stream of unsettling statistics and news stories, all of which have made adjusting and coping with the situation a challenge. It is very natural to be struggling with this seemingly endless pandemic, so here are five top-tips for coping with the on-going pandemic.

1. Keep in touch!

With social distancing the 'new normal', keeping in touch with friends and family can seem almost impossible. It is a good idea to not isolate yourself entirely, however. Technology is a useful way of doing this. Try to coordinate phone calls or video calls with the people who make you feel safe and happy as much as possible. There are now plenty of easy-going online games you can play over Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, or your preferred platform which can keep some variety in your routine. Maybe plan a virtual dinner date with a friend or catch up over a cup of tea and a phone call. All of these are good ways to feel less alone whilst being unable to go about life normally.

2. Stay active

Depending on your local area and its Covid-19 related guidelines, being out and about where possible can make a world of difference. There is plenty of research to support the positive impact of green space in maintaining good mental health, so if you are able, try to get out into nature. If the weather is nice, take a book and read in the fresh air, or stick in some headphones and let music keep you company. If the guidelines allow it, try taking a socially distanced walk with a friend. If none of these are possible, there is plenty you can do indoors too. A quick YouTube search will bring up plenty of at-home ideas for keeping active, such as yoga, workouts and more. Exercise is also a highly recommended way to maintain positive mental health, and even a quick session of something such as yoga could make coping with the on-going situation more manageable.

3. Make time for yourself

Try to give yourself time to do the things you enjoy. Hobbies and interests don’t need to take a backseat just because the world feels different. If you love reading or writing, find time to read or write. If you love art, draw wherever possible. Try and spend a little bit of time each week doing something which relaxes you without the pressure to be doing anything more.

4. Switch off!

One of the most overwhelming parts of the Covid-19 pandemic has been the inability to escape it. News channels and social media are talking about it, and so are TV programs. Even TeenHelp has been a venue for discussing the pandemic. One of the best ways to cope with this over-exposure is to limit your consumption of it. Try turning off your news notifications and logging out of social media if you feel bombarded by news about the pandemic. You can be aware of it and stay up to date, without it becoming the essence of your life at all times. This may help to reduce anxiety and also encourage you to pursue activities you enjoy regardless of Covid-19.

5. Be kind to yourself

Most importantly, let yourself feel upset. The world has changed, and it has changed so quickly that adapting to it has been a challenge. If you are upset, anxious, angry then this is a valid way to feel. Don’t beat yourself up for not getting everything on your to-do list done. Don’t be hard on yourself for not feeling yourself. Be as kind to yourself as you would be to your best friend. Everyone is struggling, and you are allowed to take things slowly and feel how you feel without judgement from yourself.

kfredies August 19th 2021 12:39 PM

Re: Coping with the Covid-19 pandemic
It's have never been easy here in Ghana so far things are turning out to be good and can't wait to get the vaccine what time it might be.


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