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Re: Depression is back! - February 28th 2014, 03:15 AM

Hi there!

Sorry to hear you're feeling depressed again. I think it is pretty normal, sadly, spells of depression do happen. Have you talked to anyone about how you're feeling? Maybe being able to express your feelings and have a little support will help. In the meantime, you can try and start feeling a little better. I know, easier said than done. But actually, getting yourself up to do something even if you don't feel like it could help a lot. To drag you out of the depression, you know? I also wanna suggest going for walks daily. The fresh air and sunlight can help a lot. Exercise is good anyway, the fresh air helps clear your mind and the sunlight increases a natural chemical in your brain that induces positive emotions.

Do you have any pets? Pets are really wonderful to spend time with and they make us smile a lot. How about hobbies? Having something fun you enjoy could help you feel a little happier and cheerful. Maybe even take up something new that you haven't done before. Then to express yourself, you could have a personal journal to write down your thoughts and feelings if you'd like. Lastly, just don't forget that you can get past this. Hang in there. You can message me if you need someone to talk to! Stay strong, you can have a rainbow without the rain.