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Blondie14 Offline
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Name: Mike
Age: 23
Gender: Not sure

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gender identity and puberty? - December 29th 2014, 11:21 AM

I am intersex and going through a more female centered puberty. I constantly feel like I like the direction my puberty is going into. I started puberty at 12. And since I have gotten taller longer legs a deeper voice without actually breaking wider hips and more feminine look in general. But I realized a while ago that I didn't want to develop into a man as things progressed and that I like what I'm growing into. Right now I look like a girl only thing is that I have male parts I'm taller than average and my chest is flatter. It makes me look more pear shape than hourglass. But I have always been rather male minded and masculine. I took the sage and Cogiati test and am rather androgynous but socialize in a feminine manner and think like a man. Most of my friends are guys. And I in general enjoy typical stuff expected for a 14 year old guy. At the same time I still just feel as though I'm more of a girl than anything. I guess it's because with clothing on I look identical to most girls I know rather than guys. And I don't mind dressing up as female just not everyday I only like it though because it seems like it matches more maybe because of society? But I've never really felt inherently female. I thought I was a boy before I started puberty nowadays I'm very confused about it because I have female characteristics. I don't really feel feminine though but I'm happy with my body and how I am naturally. I kind of just feel like I'm more butch/tomboyish than anything or like I said androgynous.

Is this normal?

Last edited by Coffee.; December 30th 2014 at 08:19 PM. Reason: Merged posts