Thread: Female Advice Preferred: Problems w/ Puberty
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Re: Problems w/ Puberty - February 14th 2015, 02:17 AM

Hey there,

I know puberty can be really hard, there are a lot of changes that happen with our body and our mind as we mature, and we may not always(or even often) agree with them. I don't think that your growth is abnormal, many young girls experience growth spurts in those areas. However, if you're really worried you can always go see the doctor to make sure everything's okay and to ease your mind.

However, having a bigger behind than you did before is no cause for anyone ever to make you uncomfortable. If any boys or men have made comments about your body that make you uncomfortable or touched you in any way you don't want that is sexual harassment and you have every right to report it and stand up for yourself. No one has any right to make you feel wrong in your own skin, not even you.

Your body is growing, maybe more or less than you'd like it to, but it's still your body. Your body, just like you, deserves respect and love. I know it's hard, and it's a struggle that can last awhile, but one of the most rewarding things you can possibly do for yourself is learn to accept your body and be comfortable and confident in your own skin.

I hope that this helped and I wish you the best.

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