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SamMarie Offline
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Name: Sam
Age: 29
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Location: Pennsylvania, US

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Boyfriend think family first? - July 12th 2015, 09:43 AM

I'm not sure if I'm feeling just selfish or if I should be really upset. My boyfriend has been working 3 and a half hour away for the last 3 weeks at this job site. He will come home on the weekends of course to see his family and I which is obviously normal. But, family seems to always go first with him. He seems to care more about seeing his family more than me after him not seeing me at least this past weekend. I try to talk to him and have fun but he's just always too tired to do anything anymore. So yes I did the obvious and communicated with him and all he did to try and mend how I feel was oral sex with me when I was angry with him. I say to him "you get to see your family for 2 days and I only get to see you a half a day". He responds that he hasn't seen his family all week and I have to see my younger brother who's 14 and doesn't have any friends". The reason I only saw him half a day is because I work 12 hour night shifts this whole weekend and I need my sleep, but still. Really? I just feel like every excuse is family this family that. I gotta mow the lawn for my dad etc. he's 23 and I'm almost 21. I just get sick of this shit now and I'm gonna start not answering his calls or texts. I'm not saying don't care about your family but I just don't feel as important. I mean we've been together nearly 4 years. Ugh I know it's childish but what the hell do I do?