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Re: Still living with my parents - July 15th 2015, 05:41 PM

I live with my dad and I am 25. A lot of this has to do with my disability. If I had it my way I would be working and trying to live on my own. Right now my situation doesn't allow that but hopefully in a year or so I'll be out there trying to get a job.

Honestly, if you don't feel ready to move out or it wouldn't benefit you I don't see a reason to move out just yet. I think you need to feel like you are ready to move out before you can make that decision.

Your medical issues come before living on your own so if they would be impacted in any way then I wouldn't suggest moving out quite yet. I know that my medical issues would be impacted greatly if I moved out so I am holding off on that. I hope to move out in the future but I have to take care of myself and my well-being.

If you feel as though moving out is something that you want to do then you might want to look for rooms for rent. You can get rent for a cheaper amount then if you tried renting an apartment. Also, consider what your monthly bills would be and see how your income would hold up.

If you are content with your living situation don't move out just yet. There are always going to be people who are going to tell you how you should live your life but you have to do what is comfortable/right for you.

I hope this helped in some way and I am wishing you the best of luck.