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Pein Offline
how the world shall know pain
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Re: Does the presence of body fat and male breasts , scare women away when dating? - February 20th 2016, 04:05 AM

I can understand your pain bro. But if you can also add resistance training along with cardio. find out if you can use your schools gym (if it has one) or if you can try getting a gym membership. If you are able to look into stronglifts 5x5 a very simple workout routine that works to build muscle and drop fat, ( gets rid of belly and chest fat). all done by building strength in 5 key lifts doing it 3 days a week. check his website, great knowledge and its what I still use for any of my clients I have. Plus add at least 20 minutes of cardio a day.

And to answer your question. It all depends on the girl. Ive met some girls that are into the bigger guys and I've met girls that are repulsed by it. But if you want to go for those girls you find out of your league drop the video games and Netflix, work on yourself (both inside and out) motivate yourself to get fit, go out and start making friends that are girls so you get used to talking to them so you can approach the 9/10 girls. and when you have extra time then play some video games/ netflix. but use that as more of a reward for improving your life.

If you'd like just hit me up and ill try to help as I can.
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