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Name: Lauren
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Re: I just need to self harm?! - July 2nd 2016, 07:38 PM

I'm sorry you're having a hard time trying to stop self harming, but just attempting and working on it is a great thing. And two months is such an achievement.

I too have had a lot of trouble finding an alternative and distraction. Most of them don't really work for me. Is there anything that you're really good at or are passionate about, like a hobby or something similar? Sometimes doing something that's not really a distraction, but something that means something to you can help a lot. For example, I've recently started to work out and run, and it does wonders for me. but it doesn't always help, which sucks, and sometimes I do fall and I have to try again. The thing that matters is that we get up again and keep trying, despite how hard it might be. Because just because it's hard, it doesn't make it impossible! You can do it. You've been doing it for two months. You've got this.

I also know the scars can be triggering. I have that problem as well. I try to cover them up using longer shorts, or make up as well, and it will be tough for a while, and sometimes they don't fully go away, but they do fade. And you do get stronger.

I hope this helps, and if you ever want to talk, especially if you feel like self harming my inbox is always open! Take care!

"You'll have to decide for yourself. Walk on your own. Move forward. You've got a strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use them."