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NeuroBeautiful Offline
Please call that story back.
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Gremlin vs Pie-rat - October 10th 2016, 04:07 PM

A silly poem this time!

Three Gremlins
Three-tender-hearted gremlins
Sailing in a boat with glee
One tells Two and Three
"Let's take a break, shall we?"
And so he pulls out a bread loaf
And a couple jars
Of peanut butter and of jelly

Three Pie-rats
Sly and sneaky Pie-rats
Settling on an island
One tells Two and Three
"I've been eavesdroppin'
There's treasure hidin'
You see?"
As he pulls out a map

"We have some connections
If we start out in North direction
Then head out West.
I have a friend named Cassie.
Curious Cassie
She would help us,
And her brother and cat, no doubt!

But first we must plan a diversion
Secret, sneaky, sly, diversion
A spyder squad on the lookout

We shall each put black lipstick
That should do the trick
So no one suspects the treasure about to be eaten!"

Three Gremlins
Three-tender hearted gremlins
Hardened their hearts
And sharpened their defenses

"Gather around, we don't have much time
Huddle in close
We will be lovely hosts
When our guests arrive

We will empty out the jars,
stuff the jars with marshmallow fluff,
And laid out on the table
some bread and a knife.

Then we turn out the lights
Let them creep up tonight
Trap 'em in their own trap, eh?"

Dawn turned to dusk,
The gremlins found their places
Waiting to ambush.
The Pie-rat Spyder squad
Head to toe dressed in black
found their way through the back
Of the crooked boat-house

Cassie spoke first
Curious Cassie beckoned the Pie-rats
In an urgent whisper

"Let's take the jars and run away!
It'll be quicker, and
We besides can eat it later"

So that's what they did,
And the Gremlins?
They missed the cue
Too busy washing out
Their sticky mouth
With a glass of milk