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Name: Sarah
Age: 32
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - November 18th 2018, 12:14 PM

I was so excited when it was coming close to returning. I was so excited I couldn't wait to see you. I remember how happy we were when we were video calling each other over summer. How happy you were and how much you were smiling.

I feel like we've drifted apart. You tell me that you love me but I just don't feel it anymore. All you ever do is want to come over for sex. You don't want to spend time with me as a person. You don't even want to hang out with me as a friend. You have no time for me.

I don't know why I let you treat me this way. I've bent over backwards for you. I've kept in mind all the pressures you have, but you never see the pain I'm in.

You were quite happy to say, 'let's give her a hug and a massage' when some other girl was crying. But why not me? Whenever I'm down or upset you never comfort me or make me feel loved. All you want is one thing.

Every week you point out how 'hot' some girl is. I may be attracted to girls but it doesn't mean I'm some horny sex-a-holic who wants to bang every girl they see. Me eing attracted to girls doesn't give you a free pass to say whatever you like about them in front of me. Even worse when you tell me you love me and you say these things.

Do you realise how insecure you've made me? Especially over that one girl. It's clear you really want to have sex with her. I won't forget how there you were lying next to me after being intimate, and then you talked about how she can suck your dick any day. For someone who says they love me, you sure don't seem to care how I feel.

I need to find the strength to cut you loose. You clearly don't care about me. You don't care about my feelings. You don't care about what's wrong. I mean, why should you? We'll never see each other again in 7 months time. Why should you put any effort in? Clearly I'm just not worth it.
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