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Re: mixed signals leading to nowhere (and sadness) - January 16th 2021, 01:14 PM

Hi there,

Thank you so much for reaching out with your story. I'm sorry that this is such a confusing situation. Trust me, I've been where you are, waiting on someone's response after a confession and so I know how uncomfortable it can be.

Firstly, I'd like to commend you for working up the courage to tell her that you liked her. That really takes guts, so good job on that!

Now, did the girl you like continue holding hands and being touchy with you while she and the other girl were hanging out together, even in the bathroom? If that's the case, she was indeed giving mixed signals.

Her seemingly normal self after your confession is difficult to infer, because different people process confessions differently. It could be that she is also trying to figure things out in her head about this matter. But we can never tell for sure until she says so herself.

Had she been an acquaintance or a friend you were not really close to, I would have advised you to move on. But considering that you were really close to her, I agree with Rivière that it is worthwhile having an open conversation about this with her. Ask her all your doubts and share all your concerns about this matter with her. I don't think you would be stepping out of line if you ask her what she thinks of your confession - does she want to be with you, does she not, does she need more time, etc. It's only appropriate for her to respond to your confession anyway

If it so happens that she does not wish to date you, I know this sucks, but the healthiest thing you would do in that situation is to move on. Unrequited love is very emotionally draining; I say that with confidence as someone who has lived with unrequited love for four years, trying to pursue someone who wasn't interested in me. But when we move on, past the hurt and pain, things truly get better even without that person's constant presence in our lives. And life does get more peaceful.

If it helps you in the time being, perhaps you might want to hang out with another trusted buddy instead of this friend group? Since there is quite a bit going on among you girls now, perhaps it's not a bad idea to hang out with another friend (perhaps someone who would be understanding of this situation) just so you are more at ease?

Take care! And good luck! And don't hesitate to comment under this post or PM me if you have any questions

~ Seize each day and live it like your last ~

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