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Re: Somethings up, and feelings are weird. - May 12th 2021, 09:17 PM

I don't blame you for feeling anxious and paranoid about what your boyfriend could want. It's only natural to assume the worst, especially when our partner says they need to call and explain a few things. It sounds mysterious and concerning.

His distant behaviour might be because he's busy or just has a lot going on. It doesn't mean he wants to split with you. We could spend ages speculating what may very well be the cause of his lack of responses and his overall behaviour. Not forgetting that he's had to move some distance away, losing out on being able to spend time with all his friends, and you. That can be a lot for somebody to take in. He's having to adjust to being somewhere new and learn new things.

If you can, just be patient with him, and try and support him. I know it's hard not to think of the worst, but just keep in mind he's had to move away and has had a lot going on.