Thread: Triggering: Why am I sad all the time
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Name: Sequoia
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Exclamation Re: Why am I sad all the time - September 14th 2023, 05:07 PM

The thing to know about porn, because you’re very young for a porn addiction, it that: just because it’s on the internet doesn’t make it legal. If any of the porn actresses you’re watching are being exploited and raped and you’re getting off to it, this could be causing the depression and suicidality. If they’re underage, you could go to jail on child porn charges just for watching. So that’s something to know about the internet: just because it’s available doesn’t make it legal.

Have you talked to your school counselor about this crying thing? A school counselor can even refer you to a therapist if they suspect major depression.

I would recommend clearing your room of all the tools/weapons you might use to hurt yourself. Since you’re still so young, your brain has not yet matured to develop impulse control. You need to make your room safe by clearing out the potentially harmful objects so you don’t hurt yourself.

Signing up for an extracurricular activity will help get you out of the house and away from the tech that’s a problem for your porn addiction. It’ll help your occupy your time so you don’t have a chance to sit around alone in your room and get depressed. Maybe there’s a homework club at your school? That would help because it sounds like you have a hard time being productive alone in your room.

The best way to get better from depression is to stop doing the activities and behaviors that you know make you miserable. You’re not setting yourself up for success with these lifestyle choices. Habits like these can become ingrained and that’ll really mess up your future. No one is sympathetic to a porn addiction; society is concerned about the women and girls being exploited on screen…and choosing to watch makes you an exploitor. No excuses for this one.

Try to get out more! Biking is really good exercise and can take your mind off things (be sure to wear a helmet!); or a meditation class could help.

Some advice from growing up as a girl: clean your room and set it up as a safe haven where you will take care of your mental health, and be unable to relapse into addiction. Keep a journal by your bed to record your dreams and track your mood. You can write down gratitudes for the day or even vent about what’s really bothering you in a journal. I recommend blank pages rather than lined.
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