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Unhappy Should I drop out of university and become an electrician? - October 13th 2023, 11:32 PM

[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""][FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""][FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]The only job I can see myself getting from uni is a teaching job (BA, Anthropology) but the job I originally wanted was to be a park ranger, which is both competitive and does not require a degree where I live, mostly just experience and possibly a diploma. I just want to see what other people think because I think I would be able to get an apprenticeship as I have some family who are electricians and I think it would also help me get a firefighting job which I want as much as I want to be a park ranger, and again a BA in Anthro is useless for that. I am only in first year too so I would not be losing out on too much.

Extra info not too important but for context:
I am 18ftm in Canada and my parents are threatening to stop paying/pull me out of university if I start transitioning and because I have not been able to transition yet I have been super depressed and my grades are ~70s right now because I'm sleeping 14 hours a day, waking up tired, and leave my room maybe once every few days but in high school my average was 97. I was thinking that getting an apprenticeship would help me support myself and earn money and then possibly later transfer to firefighting once fully transitioned. I don't really know what to do my parents are not willing to support me although I've been out for 6 years and this is a big turning point in my life.[/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font]
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