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Re: binge eating disorder(bed) - March 23rd 2011, 02:46 AM

A good place to start is introspection. Figure out what triggers you. Think about what it is that usually happens or how you usually feel before you binge. Remember that it's just a coping mechanism not a solution. If (hypathetically speaking) you binged everytime you got a bad grade on a test, although the binging may make you feel better or give you some sort of escape for a time, it won't raise your grade. That's just an example but ya know what I'm getting at. Try to identify your triggers and actively solve the problems. Also, although I understand this won't be easy, try talking to someone about this. Anyone you trust. It doesn't even really have to be an adult if you don't want. Your bestfriend, mom, favorite teacher, guidance councelor, doctor...whoever you feel you could really talk about it with and have as a support. Remember that food serves a purpose. It's there to give you nutrients and all that you need to be healthy. Too much, just like with not enough, isn't good for your body. Also, although it may seem to help sometimes, it's not really the right way to work through problems or emotions. I hope this helped and if you need some advice or someone to vent to, feel free to PM me

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