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Girlfriend hooked up with someone on break now shes running back to me? - February 25th 2012, 04:24 PM

Me and my girlfriend have been dating for over a year. She started seeing this doctor because she said she has trust issues. The doctor told her that she should break up with me and be without me to gain trust. She did and told me she wanted to get back with me after she fixed herself. I asked her if she was going to hook up with anyone she said i plan on getting really drunk friday and im not sure whats going to happen. I snapped and said she needed to leave.

A couple days go by she is telling me she misses me she loves me etc. Fast forward to friday (yesterday) she texts me throughout the night asking me what i'm doing apparently she went on my facebook and saw in a conversation that i was going out with a few friends. She calls me later that night tells me nothing happened and she misses me and loves me.

She calls me this morning randomly saying she wants to get back with me that she misses me and loves me so much i'm thinking everythings great. When she gets to my house she goes "i need to tell you something" apparently she got really drunk last night and hooked up with some guy at the party. She says that it was only because she was drunk and it showed her how much she REALLY loves me and wants to be with me. I had her call the kid tell him that what happened last night was only a mistake (yeah she got his number) and i told her that she is not going out to any partys any more with her slut friends (which they are) without me.

I'm really not sure what to do here. One side of me is telling me to forgive her she came clean and she really seems sorry the other said feels betrayed and crushed and just says move on.

Any advice here?

PS. her friends are telling her that its okay because she was single but in my eyes she really wasn't and its not okay because she still talking to me telling me she loves me and misses me basically stringing me along.