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emma01 Offline
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Name: Emma
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Re: not sure if this qualifies as bulimia but... - April 30th 2012, 08:49 AM

You wouldn't have posted if you thought all this was normal. No I don't think you have bulimia, the diagnostic criteria for bulimia states the sufferer has at least 2 binge/purge cycles a week.


You know you have a problem, you know self harm is not a good thing otherwise you wouldn't try and hide it. You also wouldn't want to hide your behaviour from your parents if you thought it was normal. While you may not have bulimia now, your habits could get worse and you could develop it. Bulimia doesn't go with weight loss either - purging rids of the food, not the calories...just like chewing gum, while you don't actually swallow it, you still get the calories.

I am not trying to be rude but I am not going to pussyfoot around the truth. Bulimia is dangerous and while it may not actually take your life yet, mentally it will, you will have no time for a social life and no happiness, until one day it could physically kill you. Bulimia can cause stomach ulcers, throat problems and decayed teeth. It can cause your oesophagus to burst too.

Is it really worth it?