Thread: Female Advice Preferred: How to tell you're pregnant on the pill?
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Re: How to tell you're pregnant on the pill? - May 13th 2012, 10:16 PM

Well, actually, even if you got your period the first month the likely hood of that happening until you show or start getting morning sickness or SOMETHING that would suggest you are knocked up is slim. Birth control or not, you have your period cause that's your body shedding it's uterine lining WHICH incidentally is where an egg goes... So for you to keep having you're period pretty much means you aren't pregnant.
But the likelihood if you being pregnant on the pill is slim if you're taking it. But if you feel like you have a real reason to worry, get an at home test (x3 if necessary) and/or contact your OB/GYN to discuss it with her/him.