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Re: Girlfriend & Driving - July 18th 2012, 02:43 AM

It's not your responsibly to teach her how to drive. I think it's reasonable to not want her to drive. She needs to understand that driving takes a while to get the hang of, and you can't afford to have her get into an accident. If she doesn't you won't have a car and you won't be able to see her anymore.

If you want to help her, however, wait until she's at home and help her learn in one of her parent's cars. I'm sure they have better insurance if that's an option. Or, have her pay you for the difference and get better insurance, if she makes enough.

I don't know why she would even want to take the risk of wreaking your car. I've had my license for a year and a half now, and have been driving for 4 years, and I was super anxious when I had to drive my boyfriend's car. I didn't want anything bad to happen to it and have it be my fault. Like you, my boyfriend does most of the driving because he has the car and the job. I even feel bad for having him drive that much, especially because he won't let me pay for gas, and he pays for everything else (movies, food, fun dates, etc). I think you need to talk to her about this. It seems like she's taking you for granted a little bit.