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mindflower August 25th 2012 04:34 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I'm just gonna go down the line in my head

1) F*ck you. You think I'm an alien. Fine. I know, thanks for telling me. But I can too be liked, and I'm not worthless. I'm loved for who I am, and you can go jump in a river, A**hole
2) I always thought that you'd never leave me. That after all that happened between us that you'd forget about the past you had with her and give another girl a chance. But no becasue you're under her spell yet again. And I shoulda fucking seen it because why would you ever give me a chance. One kiss, and I shoulda known from that thatthis would end in flames. Well I guess I fell under the spell, didn't I Matthew. And who got hurt? ME! AGAIN! I can't believe I was so fucking stupid. And no, I'm not o-fucking-kay. In fact, I'm fucking killing myself because I feel like if I wasn't good enough for you, then hell, must not be good enough for life then right? Not pretty enough for you? Fine! I WONT EAT! not an angel, FINE! I'll fucking be a bitch. AM I ANNOYING? great. I won't talk to you. Thats what you want anyways. YOu want her, my best friend, you're what is it now, 5 time girlfriend, and me crying and alone with cut up arms and a frail torso and suicide right around the corner. Well fine. Because its obvious thia time, that "Ive got you Tay" just isn't fucking true. And neither is "I love you". You won't try to fix me. Why would you?
3) I'm not mad at you actually. In fact, I don't blame you for choosing him over me. Because im sure being bisexual was just too hard, especially when you had to pretend that you actually were atracted to me like that, just to get his attention. I'll admit it, you're better than me at everything. And I'm jealous as fuck. But I'm proud of you, and I just want you happy.
And by the way, DURING ADVENTURELAND ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!! why didn't you just tell me, why didn't he tell me god damnit, instead of letting him use me as a pleasure toy for the day and then drop me cold like I'm nothing. Why didn't anyone stop me from fucking embarrassing myself, when all along he had another girl and fuck it, I'm still thinking he loved me. Wow.
Am I pathetic or what!?
4) I understand why you never would like me. I don't blame you. But thank you for being there for me...for making me believe you might have liked me...even a little. And I wish you happiness.
5) you're right. I'm a discusting slut. A whore. A terrible daughter. And I'm going to hell. Its what I deserve for ruining everyone's lives.

there...done ranting

Samwise August 25th 2012 08:44 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

Stargazed. August 25th 2012 10:03 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You bug me. Like for real. You're always making me watch YOUR daughter. Granted I love her to death, it's getting to the point where she is calling ME mom. That shouldn't happen.

Oh and yeah. She's at her dad's. I'm all alone. But you don't care.
"Just because K doesn't want anything to do with B doesn't mean I should go home and spend time with B because S is at K's."

Fuck you too, mom. You sure know how to make me feel loved. :/

Maddiystic August 26th 2012 01:35 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You. Your name should be insult enough. You have ruined enough; you have done enough damage. I trusted you as my best friend once, but you broke everything you promised and I don't even know if I want to trust people in general again just in fear of someone being like YOU. You lie, cheat, hate, use your two faces and demand all I have to give and all my respect. You gave nothing. I can't do this anymore. Leave me alone. FOREVER. I can't do this anymore. You've hurt me beyond words. I don't even look in mirrors anymore. Now, are you content? Of course not. I still don't math your image of the perfect best friend. You even pretended to be me to achieve your goals, the one you say would (in your eyes) make me happier and better. YOU DON'T KNOW ME. YOU ACT LIKE YOU DO. Honestly, I ran away from the hardships I faced before and don't regret it-- I got to start over. But then you. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. YOU. You won't leave me be! You don't get it! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! You have done enough... I beg of you, leave me alone. And never come back. Ever.


I didn't forget about YOU, either. You are just so messed up. You EMBRACE it. I can't stand the sight of you. You try to get our pity, you exaggerate, you freak out at us and blame us for your faults and twist everything I ever did for you or every memory we shared into something I did wrong. Remember when I gave up every penny I saved so we could have fun, after you mysteriously last-minute had no money for the day we had planned for months? And then you said the day was horrible and I wrecked it all. I was being the kindest I could. I held all my rage. Then what do you do?!?! YOU ALWAYS BLAME IT ON YOUR NON-EXISTENT EXCUSES. You worm your way out of any trouble you should be in. You try to convince me of your reality which is blatantly false-- please just face the truth. And please, leave me alone and never come back to me, ever. I want to be alone...


The sole reason I won't say either to their faces is because they will exaggerate it, lie about it, tell everyone and thus, I get hate. It has happened before....

I can't take this anymore....
Leave me be....

mindflower August 26th 2012 08:41 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I think I forgot a couple in my last rant, so I'm just gonna do them now.

YOU DON"T KNOW HOW I FEEL! You can't fucking tell me who I can and cannot love, that's my right, not yours! And I can fend for myself, because I know what a bad guy is like, one that won't be honest or true in his feelings, but Cody is fucking different!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care what you fucking say, I love him and he loves me, and you're just cruel. Because the moment I'm actually happy, YOU FUCKING TAKE THAT AWAY!!!!!!!!! Well guess what. I'm not gonna listen. Fuck you, and fuck you, I don't care about what you think is best for me, because I know him enough to say that he's the only thing thats best for me right now.

JollyRancher. August 27th 2012 07:11 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

I found the bracelet you gave me. The one with the little cross. You went digging into your room while i fell on your bed. Remember how you were on the bed and i fell right next to you. You were laughing at me for being clumsy. I was giggling. Do you remember how I left my home without permission and walked up a hill in a skirt. I do. Remember how we sat there on the couch me in your arms. How i jokingly got on your lap when you said something. I watched shows i never watched before. I fell over things onto your bed a lot. Do you remember that kiss. That sweet kiss on my cheek. You had said you weren't ready for a mouth kiss.
I found the bracelet you gave me. It was just the beads and i took a stick and put it back together. now im crying again, for you. Because that bracelet gives me beautiful/horrible memories.

And all I got tp say is..........................I STILL LOVE YOU!

amystery August 28th 2012 04:40 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I finally found something that makes me happy again and this time it isn't you.

I never realized it before now but even though you make me happy you are also kind of draining because you bring back memories.

You wrote that you are leaving facebook and it really sucks for me. I know we don't really know eachother well other than on facebook and the phone but I got use to you being there and you always had an encouraging word when I needed it the most. Your compliments were always a great confidence boost when I was feeling low. I will miss our chats and I will miss you.

I knew you'd leave me...it sucks soooo much that I am losing you but I shouldve known better. "People always leave" right? You promised you wouldn't but I am losing you and it kills me

facade August 28th 2012 05:25 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I'm sorry that I ruined us...

DemonQueen August 28th 2012 05:17 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I hate that you keep accusing me of cheating on you. I would never, could never cheat on you. I love you way too much to ever hurt you like that. I just wish you could realize it..

Tigereyes August 28th 2012 11:03 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
After 5 or 6 years you're finally beginning to show me some respect? Right. I wish I could believe this wasn't just another one of your games...

ShesNotThere August 28th 2012 11:17 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I'm so sorry I can't tell you. I want to, so badly, but I can't.

2The Doctor2 August 29th 2012 05:08 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
how could you just shrug it off when I told you I cried when you rejected me. >:(

amystery August 29th 2012 08:29 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You hit a few sore spots tonight when we talked...things I didnt want to think about or talk about but now its all I can think about.

With you I want to push you away but I think you've already got too close. I dont know how you do it but I know that it scares me to know how you make me think and how I feel when I dont tell you things now.

I want to tell you sooo badly but Im still scared for some reason

It hurt to hear you say that I shouldnt talk to people online n idk who they are. I got a speech about how if I need to talk to someone I should talk to someone not on the computer cuz you never know who you get answering etc..in my head Im kinda going like um actually some of the most amazing people are the people I talk to online. if it werent for them i might not be here. You dont know how much I struggle and I intend to keep it that way but sometimes I wish I could stand up for my view on online friends but its not worth it

Evanesco August 29th 2012 09:12 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I wish you'd pay me some attention.

savealife723 August 30th 2012 10:48 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
i am so entirely in love with you and i can't help but to just scream it to the world. <3

blurryface August 31st 2012 12:54 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
"You'll be all right."
No. I won't. Sorry. You're my big brother and my best friend and I'm sorry but I can't.

$BACON$ August 31st 2012 01:29 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Dear Matthew (a kid who bullies me),

Dude, what the f*** is your problem! Cant you terrorize someone else for once you jack***.


escape♥ August 31st 2012 02:05 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
1) "L", yeah, your my bestfriend. I'm sorry if I seem like a bitch, but if you keep only talking to me, and missing me whilst I'm away at a different school, you won't have any other friends. I'm trying to HELP you, I'm trying to make the pain less and go away quicker. I'm sorry if it seems like I don't want to talk to you or hang out with you anymore. Its for your own good.
2) I love you, so much. I want to be with you forever and always. <3 Nobody understands us, we are so different, and yet so close.
3) To all the people I hide my ED from: Yes, I have a fucking eating disorder. No, I am not underweight. No, you cannot tell unless I tell somebody. So, I suffer in silence.
4) I love you guys, I really do. But you don't understand where I'm coming from, what I'm going through, or what I deal with. Yeah, your my parents, but we're like acquaintances living in the same house.

better-than-ecstasy August 31st 2012 04:47 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I love you so much it hurts. I really can't have you leave me now. I'm going to end up doing something stupid if we don't make up soon!!!!

Kumagoro August 31st 2012 04:58 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You can either drop the subject, or you can go fuck yourself...

EssenceOfElixir August 31st 2012 10:12 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You are the light in my life and I love you more than any other.

Tigereyes September 1st 2012 12:45 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I thought it was absolutely hilarious when you fell down today. Too bad I was the only one that saw.

Commiseration September 1st 2012 03:19 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
No matter how many doctors I go to, how many times they test my blood or what they diagnose me with, I know the thing that's making me the sickest is knowing you're gone and there's nothing I can do about it. There is no cure for that...

Celaena-Sardothian September 1st 2012 03:46 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
It's not easy!!!! I CAN'T JUST STOP! I don't flippin care that I'm meant to be stopping! I JUST DON'T! If you have a problem with that, fine, be that way. But it's MY body! If I want to kill it then fine! You CAN'T stop me, no matter how hard you try! No, I DON'T want to talk about it! If I wanted to talk about it then I would have! Get it? Got it? GOOD!

DeletedAccount39 September 3rd 2012 02:00 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I don't hate anyone... But I hate you. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart, I HATE YOU.

Tigereyes September 3rd 2012 05:22 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Why the f*** won't you just listen to me for once?! Please...

oldaccount September 4th 2012 12:50 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You're dead to me.
I'm getting over it.
And it feels fucking GOOD to hate someone, especially when that someone is YOU.

better-than-ecstasy September 4th 2012 01:17 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Can't we just get along????? I'm not asking to be friends again. But this is stupid! We've been fighting for 2 years! Grow Up! I can't keep having our friends be in the middle of this. For crying out loud we have 3 classes together and we are starting a new school! So why can't we start over???? Huh?? Or am I going to set you up again? Oh wait no you were the one to set me up considering you used me for 5 years!!!!! But no everything has to be my fault and I can never be forgiven! I'm ready to let go all of that! So why aren't you???? Angela, do you really want to hurt the people you care about most????

dyinginsidebutsmiling September 4th 2012 05:27 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
skinny girls with no boobs,
don't make fun of mine just cuz you got none and you're jealous!!

better-than-ecstasy September 6th 2012 01:19 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

Storyteller. September 7th 2012 04:49 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
It feels more like lying now.

oldaccount September 8th 2012 10:02 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
You honestly disgust me, with your perfect hair, and THAT STUPID HAT.

DiafolEternal September 9th 2012 09:29 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I cant beleive you, even after rhi, rox, and your sister told you i am in the shitter and SHing you still ignore me? Did i ever mean anything to you as it doesnt look that way

DeletedAccount39 September 10th 2012 01:53 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Contray to popular belief, knowing that most people don't like me doesn't bother me. Actually, I prefer it to be that way.

DiafolEternal September 10th 2012 01:04 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I lost my job to move in with you,
I lost my training to move out with you,
I lost my friends to come see you,
And now ive lost you as well.
Did i really mean that little to you that while my life is in the shitter your so happy that you cant even speak to me?

blurryface September 11th 2012 04:50 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
---I really fuckin like you. I wish you'd see that and quit makin me play these fuckin guessing games.

---Need someone who takes action? No, bitch, I know you can't really do anything for me, but someone to talk to might actually, oh, um, I don't know, HELP.

---I don't wanna fight with you. You're my best friend. So why did you come at me like a bitch? Do I really disappoint you that much?

Validity September 11th 2012 06:01 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I love you. I seriously do, I see you every day in one of my classes and you helped me with that test :) <3 but you look through me, don't you? Do you know I exist when I'm thinking of you? When I see you, I think 'are you going to talk to me?' You never do and when I try to talk to you, you shrug me off. I love you more than words can express, and words are my thing.


bitesize September 11th 2012 11:27 PM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
Ugh, I liked kissing you today. Which makes me feel soooooo weird. I'm not attracted to you in general - which is good - although I like you a person and I'm trying to make us better friends so our kissing scenes will be less awkward... but I felt good about kissing you today which is WEIRD, ugh. I'm trying to remind myself that it's probably just that I like kissing in general and I like the scene...but it annoyed me. When will I be able to have an onstage romance while managing to remain 100% detached in real life??

amystery September 12th 2012 12:00 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
T-reading your facebook post inspires me. You seem to have that attitude that you don`t give a shit about what people think of you and I love it. I use to think you were a bit out of the box and we wouldn`t have anything in common. When you posted that facebook status about all the people who use to bully you and wrote that youve attempted suicide it made me feel sad to think about it but it also made me realize that I`m not alone and though people may seem quite happy...they too may be suffering in silence. You wrote it a while ago but every single time I read it, it makes me think.

I don`t have to answer to you and I won`t. Writing on TH like this is something I do for myself...and though you may read them and be curious...i don't have to answer your questions and I'm not always goign to explain my writing to you.

DeletedAccount39 September 12th 2012 01:41 AM

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.
I know I'm being selfish, but please just stop. No one knows, but I'm falling apart. I'm shattering into a million little pieces and my legs are lined with self-inflicted cuts. Please, I know this is selfish, but please stop leaning so fully on me. I never said I could support all of you. Ten-plus friends who are suicidal, cut themselves, and/or have eating disorders? Awesome. Because I can totally handle all of this right now.

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