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DeletedAccount71 March 2nd 2021 12:20 AM

Irregular period
I've had the Mirena IUD for about six years now. With my first one I didn't have periods hardly ever, and certainly not the last couple of years of having it. However, since it expires after five years I had it replaced in August of 2020. Up until recently about once a month, around the first of the month, I'd get one day of cramping and spotting, and then it would go away. This is pretty much like what "periods" were like for me on my first Mirena IUD.

However, even though I already had a "period" at the first of February, on the 20th I started bleeding again, and more than before. Then followed a very strange pattern, in which I would cramp/bleed for a day, have no issue for another day or two, and then go back to cramping/bleeding. This has been ongoing for a week and a half now and I am feeling quite frustrated. I haven't had this experience. I also feel like it shouldn't be happening because I am transitioning and taking testosterone for HRT, so my periods should ideally be stopping.

I don't currently have a gyno or PCP. Any ideas what I should do? I thought about talking to the doctor who prescribes my hormones but that's not really their area of expertise.

Oneirophobia March 2nd 2021 12:26 PM

Re: Irregular period
You could always contact the office that put the birth control in for you in august, they would be able to give you information about what could be going on.
I had it for almost a year and I normally always still had my periods just really light. I have not experienced what your explaining, but the one that prescribes your hormones might have some insight, it could very well be from the interactive between the two your birth control and your hormones.
I'm sorry if this didn't help.

hocus pocus March 7th 2021 04:02 PM

Re: Irregular period
I got the Mirena IUD a few months before you got yours placed. I have actually had a very similar experience where I have a period that is very on and off. I'll have a period one day, nothing the next and then a period the third day, and so on.

I'm wondering if there is still a hormonal adjustment because you did have Mirena previously but got a new IUD fitted, if that makes sense. A lot of doctors I've spoken with said to wait the first full year and said things should be done adjusting by then.

I've had mine for about nine months now and the irregular bleeding has improved slightly over time. I hope yours improves as well, and stops since you are no longer supposed to have one on your HRT. Irregular bleeding is annoying.

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