Thread: Triggering (Suicide): Feeling very sad. Lonely.
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Re: Feeling very sad. Lonely. - July 15th 2017, 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by Green Yoshi View Post
Thats not the problem.. there's no point being a better person if there's no one to share good times with.


You can be an amazing person and find happiness without relying entirely on one person. Don't get me wrong, I know first hand that it's difficult to peel yourself away from people when you've come to rely on them, but I've done a lot of work to make myself a better person despite the comings and goings of others and it's done me the world of good. It isn't easy and it hasn't been for me but I really think you need to find a way to adjust how you think about this. You've lost someone and that sucks, but if she isn't coming back you can't dwell on that forever. You have a life of your own and it's your CHOICE to live that life the way you want. I know you ideally wanted her to be a part of it, but sometimes other people make certain choices for us, so it's up to us to take that as it comes and deal with it. Being held back by others is never going to make you happy, trust me. You need to find a way to be happy in yourself. Honestly, share your happiness with others when you meet them, in fact I'd really encourage you to. But why neglect giving that happiness to people who aren't this particular friend? Open yourself up to new people who may make you feel just as wonderful as she did.

It's natural that you're feeling lonely but you absolutely have to try to find a way to fix that without the one person who has led you to feel this way.

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