Thread: Triggering: Getting too much.
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Re: Getting too much. - October 26th 2021, 04:09 PM

Seven days a week is a lot for anybody and I'm not surprised that you're feeling it. We all need days off to recharge and get non-work related stuff done, and nobody should ever have to work so much that they don't have time to look after themselves. I am sorry that this is what you're dealing with right now.

Are you able to take some annual leave, or maybe talk to your manager about reducing some hours either temporarily or permanently. I know that in doing so the money will not be as much as you are used to, but if you are unhappy and burnt out, you'll eventually feel worse and worse. Money is important but your mental and physical health is important too, so if you can afford to, try to prioritise these for a while if you can.

Job hunting is hard work and I know it's not always as easy as just finding a new one. It's stressful and I hope you find something amazing that will tick all the boxes for you. Perhaps you could register with some agencies or recruiters so that you have a hand finding the jobs you're looking for. You could also email places you're interested in with your CV even if they aren't hiring. They might have something that could work.

I hope you are able to find some you time soon. It's just as important, if not more so, than constant work. Feel free to message me any time if you want to chat.

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