Welcome to the January edition of the TeenHelp Newsletter! Join our mailing list to receive community announcements and events, and our quarterly Newsletter.

Latest highlights

It's been a busy few months at TeenHelp; catch up on what's been happening below.

TeenHelp's holiday roundup

Last month we hosted several holiday activities for our users to take part in, from fun and games in the chat room to discussions on the forums and a movie night. TeenHelpers also had the opportunity to add songs to our Christmas Cheer Playlist to create the ultimate Christmas Spotify playlist. Dedicated support sessions were held in the chat room for anyone who needed it. The holiday season came to a close with the announcement of the Volunteer of the Year Award.


New Officer

Hollie (Everglow.) has become our Volunteer Support Officer! Hollie has been on Teenhelp since 2011, and will be responsible for providing support across our volunteer team and involved in a range of projects and activities. Congratulations Hollie, it's lovely to have you on our team, you will do a wonderful job.

New calendar themes

As we begin the year, we're excited to share our 2023 calendar theme with you; it's all about being one with nature and ways to utilise it to cope and find meaning in it. Check our calendar each month for new activities and ideas.

1. Watch the sunrise
2. Help the environment
3. Bring nature indoors
4. Plant your own garden
5. Connect with nature
6. Visit a park
7. Be active outdoors
8. Have a picnic
9. Explore your local area
10. Create with nature
11. Look at the stars
12. Watch the sunset

Veganuary (January 2023)

January is also known as Veganuary, which inspires people to eat more plant-based foods. Not only can this benefit the environment and your health but it can benefit your wallet too. It's easy to enjoy more plant-based foods with these simple tips.
by Sue (Silvan) and Haley (Halcyon)

Latest articles

Creating lifelong friends

Navigating life as a teen can be difficult and friends can be a wonderful support during this time; what's even more wonderful is when you're still friends 12 years later. Read this heartwarming story of how two users became lifelong friends through TeenHelp.


TeenHelp tips

New Year's resolutions list

by Emmie (Golfing girl)

A lot of people make New Year's resolutions every year and they do not accomplish what they have picked and just give up because they either pick too many things or they are unable to complete what they have picked. Let's try a different way and see how we can complete our New Year's resolutions list together.

Step one, make a list of things that you want to do or change about yourself. For example, exercise more, helping out your family, friends, neighbors or someone who you don't even know. Pick up a new hobby, learn to love yourself more and find other amazing things to do.

Step two, pick just one thing from your list and complete this before you start another task. Working towards too many goals at the same time may make you feel overwhelmed and unable to complete your list.

Step three, after you have completed your first one, pick another to try doing and you can always try doing this with someone in your family or a friend to help you. Continue this process of focusing on one goal at a time.

Step four, try not to give up on whatever you have picked. If you want to learn a new hobby or something else and you are having a hard time, step back from this for a while and then keep trying again until you have it. Because you are stronger than you think you are, don't give up.

New Year's resolutions are a wonderful thing to do because when you take the time and you are able to complete what you want to, you are becoming stronger and more confident in yourself. Be proud of yourself for trying and taking the initiative for your personal growth.

Staying committed to your goals

by Jen (Ethereal.)
  • Make sure your goals are attainable and give yourself a reasonable amount of time to accomplish them. Don’t get carried away with ideas and dreams, stay realistic!
  • Having a to-do list and a planner handy will really help at keeping yourself organized when it comes to your goals, as well as anything else you have to get done.
  • Talk to people and let them know that you are trying to commit to doing (or dropping) something over an extended period of time. With more support, it is easier to commit.
  • Remind yourself of why you are doing this. Why are you making this change? How will it benefit your life? Will it improve relationships or your health? Perhaps type it out.

Picture of the month

Photo by Oneirophobia

Looking ahead

TeenHelp's self-love week and falling hearts coming soon in February!
Would you like to get involved?

TeenHelp is run entirely by volunteers who give their time and experience to make everything we do happen! We are always looking for new volunteers to help out, in roles ranging from mentoring to writing. If you have a few hours a week to spare then why not give it a go, your contribution could make a massive difference to TeenHelp and the young people we support on a daily basis.
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