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Depression and Suicide If you or a loved one is feeling depressed or suicidal, you are not alone. Talk with other users about your feelings here.

Thread: Triggering (Suicide): Depressed Reply to Thread
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May 24th 2023 10:52 AM
Arabesque- golfing girl.
Re: Depressed


Thank you so much for coming onto Teenhelp and telling us about what you have been going through and I am so sorry that you are having a hard time with this and I hope that you are doing a little bit better now. When horrible things happen, it's not a good feeling to have. It feels like everything is going wrong and we may not always understand why this is happening. With time things do get better with whatever has happened. Try finding something to help you get your mind off of this for a while, going for a walk or reading a book for a while or playing a game or drawing or painting or writing or calling a friend or or something else that you enjoy doing and hopefully this can help pick you up for a while. I hope you will be okay soon.
April 13th 2023 09:29 PM
Re: Depressed

I'm sorry that you're going through this! It's definitely not fair that all of these bad things continue to happen to you. You don't deserve it for sure and none of what is happening is your fault. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control and I know it feels awful.

While a lot of horrible things happen, do good things ever come your way, even small things? It could be as little as someone complimenting your outfit or something bigger like getting the promotion at work that you've been wanting. Those little things do add up and are things you should try and be happy about. I'm not saying they magically negate all the bad that has happened but they show that there is at least a little bit of positivity left in this world that is worth holding on for.

What brings you joy and makes you feel positive? It can be a place, an activity, or even a person. Try and make a list of things that do make you feel happy or hopeful about the future. That way when you're feeling low you can try to do some of those activities, go to those places, or hang out with the people in your life that make you feel good. It can help to have a list ahead of time because when we are stuck in a low moment it's hard to think of the positive things that make us feel good, and so we're less likely to do those things. At least with them written down you'll have a reminder so you won't have to stop and think about what you can do.

I'm not sure what bad things have happened to you, but don't let them win. You're fighting a battle every day, and you've survived 100% of the tough things that life has thrown your way so far. Be proud of that! You've gotten through even when you've thought you can't and have opened your eyes to see another day. That takes a lot sometimes but is actually a great accomplishment. It's always a win to survive on the days when we don't want to.

If there is anyone you can talk to in your life, I would do that. I bet nobody wants to see you go through this alone. Maybe you can write someone a letter or text message about what you are feeling and they can help support you. It helps to have people in your corner who are looking out for you through all this.

Also find ways to express what you're feeling such as writing or art. Don't just express the bad moments, though (although it's okay to dos o). You can even write or do art about the happy moments so you have something uplifting to look at later on.

I know you can do this!
April 12th 2023 12:25 AM

[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]I've had so many horrible things happen over and over and it feels like what's the point of being alive when I keep going through this. I feel life is never going to be okay and my heart has been broken into millions of pieces so many times, that I feel that I don't have it in me to keep going.[/size][/color][/font]

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