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Thread: Non-PG13 (Strong Language): why do people hate me? Reply to Thread
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September 24th 2023 07:32 AM
Re: why do people hate me?

Hi there,

I'm sorry to hear what this boy has been saying about you. It's definitely not a nice feeling when someone says something unkind about you. I agree with Ennui. to try and concentrate on those people who do like you for who you are as unfortunately, we will meet people in our lives that we won't be able to connect with. Keep your head up high and remember the friends who are worth having in your life.
September 21st 2023 08:17 PM
Re: why do people hate me?


I'm so sorry that this boy is saying things like that about you. I can't say for sure why he is saying these things, but it sounds like he's trying to get a reaction out of you. I wouldn't confront him about it, because then he'd be getting the reaction he wants. If he brings it up to your friends, your friends can tell him that it's not appropriate for him to be talking about that with them and then walk away.

I know that you don't want people to think of you badly, but not everyone will like you. It's not right that he's talking badly about you, but he won't be the only one in life who doesn't like you, and he probably won't be the only one who says negative things. People like to gossip. I know it feels easier said than done, but try and ignore them. Don't be rude or disrespectful to them. As the saying goes, "kill them with kindness." There's a chance they'll get bored if they don't get the reaction they want.

Focus on the people in life who are there for you and treat you well. You said you know that it isn't true that you're weird and have no friends. That means you know that there are people who care. Those are the people who matter in your life. Join clubs and social groups to meet other people who you can have in your life, because those are people you'll have something in common with. The people who think of you in a positive way will outnumber the people who think of you negatively. Remind yourself of all of the good qualities you have. Those are what matter.

I hope you feel better soon!
September 21st 2023 11:39 AM
why do people hate me?

[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""][FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]Today my friend told me about something she was told by a boy in my grade yesterday. he asked her why she was friends with me and said that i was weird and i had no friends. this isn’t true, but i just don’t understand why this kid hates me so much. i’ve done nothing to him, and at the start of the year he was saying i was nice. i’ve become more confident since then, could that be why he’s such a bitch to me now?
this is just one of many incidents with him and his friends, although it was the first one in a while. they’ve been happening a lot this week and i just feel so shitty. i’m on my period so i’ve been really moody and crying a lot recently, so i don’t know if that might be why i’m upset? anyways, i would love any advice i can get. as silly as it is what people think of me matters a lot to me, and i can’t stand the thought that people might think of me badly. please give advice.[/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font]

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