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Re: Pregnant and fearing for my own life - January 8th 2015, 06:29 AM

Medicaid can help with the bills and you need to make an effort to apply now for medicaid. It is basically the government's insurance. You may be able to apply for WIC but you may have to move out of your parents' house for that.

You need to start looking for a job. If you will have to move out, you will need to get an apartment. Since you're young, this may be a bigger issue. Don't turn down any job even if it is low paying or the hours aren't good.

Laws vary from state to state as to what the adoption parents are allowed to provide. However, you may have to get the birth father involved in the process. An attorney at the adoption agency can give you better information. It shouldn't cost you anything as in giving the child up as the adoptive parents usually cover that but they may or may not be able to cover expenses related to birth depending on the laws.

Also, remember that Florida has a safe haven law. Meaning you can leave a baby under 7 days old at a fire station, EMS station, or a hospital. You can remain anonymous as long as you do not abuse the child.