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Conversation Between Skeleton and Hyper Sonic
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 65
  1. Skeleton
    January 27th 2009 02:56 PM - permalink
    It really does, I've applied at a few different places and haven't heard anything or haven't got the job. I applied at B&Q and they didn't take me on because apparenetly I was shy but they rate me 8 in everything and say I'm confident. How they worked that out, I don't know.
  2. Hyper Sonic
    January 27th 2009 02:52 PM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    It's ok, finding work sucks
  3. Skeleton
    January 27th 2009 02:34 PM - permalink
    It's all good besides a sore throat, and you? x
  4. Hyper Sonic
    January 27th 2009 12:59 PM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    Rawr, how is life treating you
  5. Hyper Sonic
    January 21st 2009 03:15 PM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    Yeah, I know how that feels. I just find it easier to stay in bed and do nothing all day
  6. Skeleton
    January 21st 2009 02:58 PM - permalink
    True. I think I just need to get myself a job or at least leave the house more then I do already but with how cold it is I'd rather stay in bed.
  7. Hyper Sonic
    January 21st 2009 02:41 PM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    It's not much point asking me what is fun to do lol, I'm usually just as bored as you xD
  8. Hyper Sonic
    January 21st 2009 02:40 PM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    Ah right, yeah it sucks coming off a high
  9. Skeleton
    January 21st 2009 02:36 PM - permalink
    Mixture, I think. It feels as if I had this week of being on a high and now I've come down from it and everything sucks, you know? And I felt physically weird last night but I think it's because I was tired or something. I just need something fun to take my mind of everything.
  10. Hyper Sonic
    January 21st 2009 02:05 PM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    Urgh, what's been going on? Physical or Mental?
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