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Conversation Between Everglow. and Ennui.
Showing Visitor Messages 281 to 290 of 317
  1. Ennui.
    October 31st 2012 10:16 PM - permalink
    Yay, I hope ya like them if you do!

    It's a tradition, not begging! But my mom always turns off her lights and everything so everyone knows not to come to us, hehe.
  2. Everglow.
    October 31st 2012 10:12 PM - permalink
    If I get the chance I ;ll give them a go.

    Nope! Mum always called it a form of begging. I guess I see her point now, some of these kids are annoying!
    But yeah I always felt a little left out. Now I'm older it's not such a problem though.
  3. Ennui.
    October 31st 2012 10:11 PM - permalink
    I dunno, they might be! But they're yummy so if you ever do happen to see them and you like stuff with peanut butter, try one.

    Ooo you've never been? It's sometimes fun when people actually have their lights on.
  4. Everglow.
    October 31st 2012 10:09 PM - permalink
    I've never had those, are they an American thing?

    Ah haha. Sounds like a better deal this way
    I've never been trick or treating, so here we just don't bother with sweets or anything. Mum never got any for trick or treaters so we never got anything either.
  5. Ennui.
    October 31st 2012 10:03 PM - permalink
    Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!!! Those are the best.

    The thing with me and most types of candy though, whether it's Halloween, Christmas, etc., is that I eat some of it but then leave the rest. Especially Halloween since there's less control of what you get so I don't always like what I get. Although I'm not allowed to trick-or-treat anymore so my mom just buys me the nommy candy I actually eat.
  6. Everglow.
    October 31st 2012 08:53 PM - permalink
    That's true

    Nope! Not really a halloween celebrator if I'm honest haha.
    Enjoy your sweets, what kinds will you be getting?
  7. Ennui.
    October 31st 2012 08:25 PM - permalink
    On the bright side, you can laugh at the parts that are obviously exaggerated! Doing anything else for your Halloween? I'm not. My mom may buy me candy this weekend though.
  8. Everglow.
    October 31st 2012 06:25 PM - permalink

    Well...yeah. But the ones on the list aren't the well known ones, not all of them anyways. It's just so hard to watch when it's so badly made. I may just have to grin and bare it.
  9. Ennui.
    October 31st 2012 06:22 PM - permalink
    Yeah. A lot is all ya need to know.

    Aren't old ones supposed to be the classics?
  10. Everglow.
    October 31st 2012 06:15 PM - permalink
    Woah. that's...a lot. I'm not sure how it converts into british pounds but it's a lot. xD

    Not sure yet. I have a list of controversial films that were banned at some point from media which I might watch. It'll be good for my exams as it'll give me more censorship awareness, but they're all old and probably badly made.
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