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Conversation Between Spirit. and Ambedo.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 108
  1. Ambedo.
    January 13th 2015 03:30 AM - permalink
    HI! I was actually just thinking about you the other day, but I wasn't sure if you were still around here. I'm doing okay. How are things with you?
  2. Spirit.
    January 12th 2015 07:56 PM - permalink
    Sam! Hi. It's been an incredibly long while. I hope you're doing well! How are things with you? xx
  3. Ambedo.
    September 11th 2013 04:07 AM - permalink
    I know I just posted this on Facebook, but I'm gonna post it on here too! Happy Birthday, lovely. I hope your day was every bit as amazing as you are. <3
  4. Spirit.
    September 5th 2013 02:04 PM - permalink
    That's what it is, is it? Hmm. Well, you could always show her how important she is. I know that sometimes, I need a little more convincing, maybe a day out with someone, when I don't feel like I matter to them anymore. It becomes hard to balance things out, however, it really does help - some alone time, even if it means doing nothing, or just talking the time away.

    Hahahahah! Aw, you cutie! I'm just like you How's Uni? How do you like it so far? Having fun? When do classes start? Sorry, I'm excited for you, and college for me is awfully boring and tiring, and I need some vicarious living!
  5. Ambedo.
    September 2nd 2013 05:30 PM - permalink
    That's what I'm thinking. Lately, she just thinks I'm creating a new life for myself. And, for some reason, she doesn't think I want her as part of that. So, I'm trying to convince her that that might be one of the dumbest things she's ever said and that I do want her in my life, as long as she still wants to be there.

    Oh, I'm definitely a last minute packer. I ended up packing an hour before I left.
  6. Spirit.
    September 1st 2013 11:04 AM - permalink
    Oh, I see. I'm sure you'll be able to work things out, and whatever's best for the two of you, will happen

    Hahah. Last minute packer, I see Good one, although, packing actually doesn't take too long, if you know what you want to take and such, barely any time. And invariably, it's just shoving things into the suitcase and taking off
    Best of luck on your first day!
  7. Ambedo.
    August 30th 2013 06:33 PM - permalink
    Just some things with my girlfriend. We've just been on the rocks a lot lately. I'm honestly trying to remember the specific thing I was talking about when I VMed you, but I can't. Lol. We've just been fighting a lot lately, though. Just another one of those things we have to work through.

    It's in 2 days...and I have not packed a thing. This might not have been my best plan.
  8. Spirit.
    August 30th 2013 05:41 PM - permalink
    I'm going insane myself, so I don't know how well I'm surviving this one.

    Hahah. Yep. Those rare events in my life.

    You won't bore me, silly If you have the patient to tell, I have the patience to listen
    Wow, that's less than a week. Getting to packing?
  9. Ambedo.
    August 27th 2013 05:42 AM - permalink
    Well, that sounds intense. I'd probably go insane, so props to you for surviving all of that.

    Clumsy girl! You almost make me look coordinated.

    It's all a very long story. I don't want to bore you with all of it! 6 days until moving day!!
  10. Spirit.
    August 27th 2013 03:15 AM - permalink
    Hahah. My life isn't all that interesting
    I'll tell you, though So, this semester, my final year, we have practicals, so we do experiments and stuff, stuff like Illusions, perception, problem solving and other such. The class is divided into three groups. We have to complete 11 experiments by the end of this semester (October). And when we complete one experiment, we have about a week to write our records and submit them, with our group data, so it gets a little hectic, because we have to research extensively on the topic. Lol. And well, for each subject, we have an assignment each semester where we can pick any topic within the subject itself, research on it, and come to class, and write it like an exam, for which we're given two hours. We also have projects which include internships and stuff. Lol. And the cherry on the cake is the exams we have, every month :P. Internal assessment. Lol. So... Busy

    I slipped and had a bumpy ride down the stairs but I'm much better now

    what happened? What's the shit happening?
    That's awesome! Glad you're looking forward to it! xx
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