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Conversation Between Spirit. and Ennui.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 91
  1. Ennui.
    December 30th 2015 08:25 PM - permalink
    Yeah, it was rounded, yay! I got 3 A+s and then an A- for final grades.

    It seems so scary to go through, I can't even imagine! I'm sorry that the state government didn't do much but it is so amazing that the people all come together to try and get tuff done.

    Good luck on the dissertation! It definitely is coming up quickly!

    Yeah, I think I'm okay. How are you?
  2. Spirit.
    December 30th 2015 07:12 AM - permalink
    Brilliant! Good on you! Usually, they would round it off to 90 because the decimal is higher than 5. Will keep my fingers crossed for you!

    Sort of. I think there's been a lot of issues with the state govt because they haven't really done very much and it was all because of the people in the city who've been helping out that there has been any relief. The state govt hasn't seemed to have done much and even now with rehabilitation being top priority. Sure hope that things get better soon.

    Apart from that, I'm just working on my dissertation. Have to give it in on the 5th, so not too much time left. Have to get it done quick.

    Oh yeah? Good busy, I hope! Otherwise, all well? xx
  3. Ennui.
    December 21st 2015 10:44 PM - permalink
    They actually went well! I have an 89.60 as a final grade and I don't know if they're going to round it to a 90 or an 89.

    I heard about the flooding! Is everything okay there now? Anything I saw as on Facebook.

    I've been good! Really busy though and it'll only be busier next semester!
  4. Spirit.
    December 20th 2015 05:16 PM - permalink
    I never replied! So sorry! That's brilliant, congratulations! How did the lab exam go?

    Things are pretty alright. I've been pretty bust with my dissertation. It's due beginning of Jan. We had a horrid bout of floods in November so had a bit of a tough time. No electricity, city flooding up, water logging. Quite an experience, have got to say. Feel like I can get through anything now that I've survived without electricity for 4 days

    How are things on your side? How have you been? xx
  5. Ennui.
    October 12th 2015 01:49 AM - permalink
    I got an 88 on my microbiology lecture exam, but I don't know how I did on the lab exam!

    How are things going?
  6. Spirit.
    October 5th 2015 03:43 PM - permalink
    That's really great to hear that the classes are going well. I'm sure microbiology will start getting used to you and make itself a little easier for you to get through!

    I completely agree with that!! He's been fantastic so far and I really hope with all my heart that things keep on keeping with us.
  7. Ennui.
    September 29th 2015 03:26 AM - permalink
    Well every class besides microbiology is going great. I keep screwing up in microbiology.

    That's so awesome! People like that are the best.
  8. Spirit.
    September 28th 2015 01:46 PM - permalink
    That's fascinating. How exciting. Although, I do understand why you're finding it can be stressful considering the variety of your subjects. Still interesting though!! How are they going?

    Thank you so much. It's been quite pleasant and enjoyable. I now have someone who makes a world of a difference in my life and I can't be thankful enough x
  9. Ennui.
    September 26th 2015 07:52 PM - permalink
    I'm currently taking microbiology (Struggling soooo hard), health policy, US Government, and social welfare in America.

    I'm glad you're doing so well lately!
  10. Spirit.
    September 22nd 2015 05:48 AM - permalink
    I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope that the medication helps. What classes are you taking?

    I'm doing quite alright, thank you! Things have turned quite well for me these past couple of months. So I'm happy and finding solace in it. xx
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