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I remember when we used to talk. I liked that, it was something more special than most of the friends I ever had, even though not IRL. I think about you sometimes, wonder where you are and if you have good life in the way you wished. I hope you do, you deserve it so much, Charlie. /Jonwah
Hi! And sorry, I think that I'll be unable to come online tonight. Sorry...
And hey! Here's the link I promised to give to you... use google translate if you want to read it...
just realised your going away so wont talk hopefully will talk to you before you go but if dont get chance I hope you have an absolutely amazing time and dont forget to bring the secret spy camera Il miss you tons and you better come talk to me on my bday! Dont forget to sing your part and really loud if for hearing thing xD shall be looking forward to seeing you on tv- they better put you on tv or il freak, and make sure you think of me when youre mega famous and are ordering people to get you appletizer ohh and try and be good not too many enemy making or flute-playing il gladly take Josh off your hands while your away haha. Oh and wen u come back you owe me a youtube video of you singing a song with my new nickname il sacrifice becoming deaf for that chance, and try listening to decent music stick to onerepublic over last christmas lol. Il probs talk to you tomorrow and you wont be going for ages haha either that or by the time you read it youl forget but it had to be said! See you soon- my bday you better remember I want s happy birthday song please oh and keep working on the english slang im working on my swedish see you soon will miss you