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Both good and bad at once. (Triggering in some spots)

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Posted December 21st 2014 at 06:16 AM by Ennui.

The last time I visited with my APRN was right before winter break began. She wanted to assess how I was doing because she recently upped my dose of Zoloft to what people normally are on when they start noticing improval. Except I was feeling like absolute shit due to PMS, being a bit ill, and my roommate keeping me up all night so she couldn't really accurately assess how I was doing. She did give me one of those sheets to fill out to ask how often I felt symptoms such as being worthless, or a failure and how often I thought of doing things like harming myself, and I guess I did a bit better on that.

I also have a counsellor there. Except she was a graduate intern so she graduated and I'm getting moved to another counsellor there. I'm kind of really nervous about it, because while the grad intern was really nice and I like her as a person she wasn't really effective and I don't like the APRN at all because our personalities just clash. So I'm scared of seeing this one and I'm scared that I won't know what to say because things haven't been GOING on in my life lately, but right now I feel kind of bad anyway. How do I explain feeling bad when I don't even know WHY I'm feeling bad? It's not like I can say "I'm feeling sad because ---" because NOTHING BAD IS HAPPENING. Things have been GREAT lately and YES I can say I have been happy, but even though there's the happy, there's the lingering sad right behind it.

I climbed out of an episode of what I felt to be depression right before I visited my APRN (except for that sick day, but anyone would feel bad on a day like that!) but I didn't have the energy to tell her. I was feeling godawful nauseous and tired and just wanted to take a shower and take a nap. So I wasn't entirely honest with her and while I do regret that I really couldn't sit in that room. So, sorry guys for not being really honest but I didn't want a long discussion, not that day.

But I'm still getting urges. I wake up feeling really heavy sometimes and it drags on throughout the day, I still feel heavy now. I just want to cut myself really bad, I think just to see the blood more than anything and maybe see if I can bleed out some of this heavy feeling, even for a little while. I've also had moments where I feel like crying for no real reason. I don't end up crying though.

I think some of the stress and worry I got with the anxiety is starting to come back a little like before too. I'm starting to fixate on things again and stress on things when they're not important yet. I even got anxious about making a phone call to somewhere that I've called many times before.

I've been feeling really fat and insecure about myself too. I bought some gym pants and decided that I am going to join the school's gym when I get back to school. I am also going to have my brother in law use his guest pass during winter break so he can teach me how to use gym equipment. I've been snacking and eating a lot more than normal lately and all I can think of is how much weight I'm going to gain. I keep telling myself that when I start working out I am going to try and restrict a bit and skip meals, but I don't know if I actually will.

I am also very antsy and restless due to it being winter break. I can't just sit and BE. I always have to be DOING something or else I get all antsy and low feeling. And it can't be just talking to people. I have to be doing what I deem to be productive like all the time. I can't stop. I am excited for Christmas because I really want to see my niece open presents, but I also really want to go back to school. I was looking forward to break but now that it's here I'm like meh. I can't sit still through a TV show. I can't even really listen to music anymore. I haven't been able to sit still through reading a book in a while. I don't like living in the DORMS, but I LOVE school now that I am in college. I love going to class and learning and doing clubs and hanging out with people. I have things to do a lot. Here, not so much. And my mom's car is broken too so even if I wanted to ask her to take me somewhere she couldn't. How do I learn to just BE?

I don't know, I'm just in a weird spot right now I guess, where I'm kind of both good and bad at once.
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  1. Old Comment
    Thereishope's Avatar
    I'm glad that things are getting a little bit better in some areas of your life! Any progress is good progress, always remember that! I would definitely talk to both your APRN and the new councilor about how you're still feeling. I'm sure they can come up with ways to help you improve even more. Although it could very well just be due to it being winter right now (we've talked about this in some of our conversations :) ) Just remember to hold on to the good and enjoy those, that will help lessen the bad things.

    I'm going to be totally honest with you on 1 thing. Your mention about restricting/skipping meals concerns me. I know it's right now "just a thought" but those thoughts can turn into actions, and yeah lets not let this 1 turn into action. Focus on eating healthy, and getting the proper portions of all food groups (as close as possible) along with a decent workout routine. This is definitely something else I would bring up to either/both your APRN and councilor. Remember you can and will get through all of what's going on, and as always you know where I am. Hang in there Dezi. :hug: :)
    Posted December 21st 2014 at 07:41 AM by Thereishope Thereishope is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Perhaps some physical exercise can help with ease the antsy restlessness. I know it's cold out these days so even going to a local store and walking around, looking at things there can help. When I'm antsy I go to this store that sells toys and art/craft supplies and random things like that and I just go to every isle and in the toy section I click those "try me" toy buttons or just wonder around. It's not ideal but it might be a fun way to get some moving around. Take care, Dez. I hope that you at least enjoy the break while you have it.
    Posted December 22nd 2014 at 02:42 AM by Not_here Not_here is offline
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