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Never again. (Triggering - Substances, MAYBE Eating Disorders)

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Posted January 30th 2015 at 12:11 AM by Ennui.

Oh god. I got drunk for the first time last night. Drunk is not a good feeling, it really isn't. Buzzed is sure, but I drank on an empty stomach and drank too fast to get to that stage. I just went from sober to drunk, pretty much.

Hangover this morning was terrible. I woke up at like 5 like so nauseous and gagged but nothing came out and spent like an hour and a half on the common room couch because it was closer to the bathroom and the room is also cooler in temperature. Went back to bed hoping I'd be sober enough for my class but nope, had to skip it and therefore struggled on my homework assignments. I will ask to see him in his office hours and say I had period nausea or something. It's not a full lie. My period's out of whack and I'm bleeding now, too early. Erp.

Also had to cancel my therapy appointment due to still being sick at like noon. Due to my busy schedule I can't get in to see her until the 9th. APRN appointment is still on the 5th.

Tried eating at like 2, 2:30. Maybe 3 tops. I ate Spaghetti Os like an idiot and then had to lie down for a while because the nausea came back. Then I struggled with my math homework then did my tons of environmental health homework she emailed us and now I'm here.

Need a shower but don't want to shower. I don't feel sick anymore but I'm scared to eat still because I was feeling better before I ate the Spaghetti Os. Then I ate them and my body was like lolnope.

Thankfully I didn't end up throwing up though.

But I missed stats class and now I feel so shitty about that because I know it's fucked me over. It really has. I have an exam coming up that I'm not confident on as it is, what was I thinking?

My mom pointed out to me today that I haven't been eating right lately and made me start taking my vitamins again. I guess she's right. Since getting to college I've been eating one meal and then some snacks throughout the day on most days, and now that's basically what my body is used to. I still, of course, don't DRINK the healthiest drinks (soda, juice, milk) but. I wonder if that's a problem.

On the bright side, still self harm free.
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  1. Old Comment
    Ambedo.'s Avatar
    If you never want to drink again, that's completely understandable. That being said, I'm going to leave a few tips here. If you're going to be drinking a lot, match every drink you have with a cup of water. It helps dilute the alcohol. Also, if there's any bread around, eat that while you're drinking, ESPECIALLY on an empty stomach. Just plain bread. No PB&J, no sandwich meat, nothing. The bread will help soak up some of the alcohol. For nasty hangovers the next morning, ginger is a lifesaver. Try not to eat anything too heavy. Apples are also really good to have on hand for a nasty hangover.

    Can you get the stats notes from a classmate or attend a tutoring session? I hope this didn't screw you over too badly!

    Congrats on staying SH free!
    Posted January 30th 2015 at 12:43 AM by Ambedo. Ambedo. is offline
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