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An update on my father II/Other life stuff

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Posted June 19th 2018 at 03:32 AM by Ennui.

These blogs will probably get more infrequent, as it's starting to slow down a bit.

I'm not sure what exactly happened today. I woke up this morning and my breathing felt weird, but it's also very hot out so I figured it could be asthma. My chest is itchy from a rash I have, maybe from the heat, so I turned on my phone camera to look at it and.. My face just didn't feel right? It just felt like that shouldn't be my face. The features weren't right? The forehead was wrong and the chin was wrong and my eyes were weird. So I put on my glasses and even the glasses were wrong. It was just weird. So maybe it was just anxiety? After staring at my face on the camera for a little bit I took my inhaler, just in case, and went back to sleep. Normally by now my air conditioner would be in, but my dad is the one who puts it in the window.

I didn't actually see my dad in the hospital today and I feel bad about it. My mom never took me and the heat has been affecting my asthma so I couldn't walk there. I'll have her take me tomorrow, but I will also be gone this weekend, out of state.

She said my dad had an echo, and something about his heart only being at 25% when it should be at 50% but I'm not sure exactly what she meant by that. She didn't really explain it well. But I guess the doctor also said whatever it was is "borderline" so not too horrible.

The main issue they're still facing is the fact he's retaining fluid around his heart. But he's so sensitive to the medications that they haven't found one he hasn't reacted to yet! So that is still affecting him.

In good news though, they had him off of the oxygen and also had him walking around the pavilion a few times! There's no word yet on how long he will be admitted, especially because of the fluid, but I think this is a great start.

He will have to make a lot of diet changes. Low salt, decaf coffee, no processed foods like hot dogs or processed cheese. We are unsure if deli meat counts as processed food. I think yes but my mom isn't sure so we have to ask. The nurse said he can have maybe one or two beers at a time, so no overdoing it, but the paper my mom was given said NO alcohol, so we're also going to have to double check because sometimes he goes out to have a beer with his friends from work. He will also be on multiple medications. The two I know so far are that he's going to be on an aspirin a day and blood thinners, but I think there will be more.

In other good news, the hospital has a complimentary visiting nurse service, and it's free! My mom says it lasts as long as you want it. I was shocked to hear about this. The visiting nurse comes in once a week. They will also provide a scale because if he gains too much weight at once it means he's retaining fluid again and has to go to the hospital. They provide a pulse-ox to check oxygen, as well as a blood pressure cuff. The results of the weight, pulse-ox, and blood pressure automatically get sent to the visiting nurses, and if they determine that there's a problem they'd notify the doctor and make sure he gets medical attention. So I was pleasantly surprised to hear about this. My dad also said that apparently, his job will pay him for a gym membership, so I'm wondering if he'd join with me if he is able to keep working and if the doctors want him to keep walking and exercising. I'd stay longer than he would, but anything counts.

My dad has been giving my niece, Madison his little cans of ginger ale and the desserts he orders from food services to take home and Madison really enjoys this. They were able to facetime once but the connection was poor. My brother in law, step-niece, Madison, and I went swimming today and my brother in law sent videos for him, which my mom then showed the nurses. I bet she'll be happy when he's home.

I'm still having issues with my body and eating right now. I was going to go to the gym today but went to the pool instead. I don't know how to swim though so my feet always touched the floor. I was able to take a short walk with my step-niece after when it cooled down. But I wasn't anywhere near my normal step goal and with how I'm eating, I'm still beating myself up.

But here's hoping this all means things are looking up!
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  1. Old Comment
    I am glad your dad will get the nurse service. That sounds pretty cool! I am also glad that your dad was able to get a plan for how to eat and tke care of him in place. I imagine it will be hard for him to do but my hope is that he will.

    As for your body struggles, I wish I had some solid advice but I have been struggling similarly. I think that it's important to try and remind ourselves that we are more than just our bodies. It's not easy and I don't do it every day but it can be helpful to do at times.
    Posted June 19th 2018 at 12:49 PM by
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