My blog is about my problems or just stuff I like/love
I'm Not Worthy *Trig*
Posted December 6th 2015 at 12:57 AM by iambatman
Updated December 6th 2015 at 01:55 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Please do not include weight numbers.)
Updated December 6th 2015 at 01:55 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Please do not include weight numbers.)
I am such a fucking liar...I told my therapist and mom I wasn't cutting. When I am. Every night. I don't want to tell anyone. The only people that know are two of my aunts (K and Z). I only told them because they are the only people I can trust right now. I don't want to tell my therapist because she always wants to talk about it and I am not ready to talk about it yet. I hate my life right now. Nothing is going as planned. If I had known my life was going to be like this 5 years ago I would've killed myself back then. But I guess life doesn't ever go as planned. Depression has had control of my life for almost 3 years. I just want this pain to end. I just want to die. I am not worth any of the love you guys give me on this site. I am not. You deserve to care about someone better...I wish I had a magic wand. If I did, I would give my mom whatever she wanted. And I would end my life. Make my dream come true. Everyone would be happy. I haven't lost any weight from purging and restricting...I feel ugly and fat all the time...I just want to be thin again. I want to be back to edited pounds...Not edited..No one likes me because I am fat.
Sorry for the rant...

Total Comments 1
You're worth happiness and don't deserve pain in your life. Please don't cut because your problems will still be there and pain is temporary. Stay strong and the results will be positive.
Posted December 7th 2015 at 02:24 AM by Hopelesssciencelove