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Technology, Gamers and Gadgets This forum is for discussions about your games, technology, the latest apps or cool gadgets
Does anyone play CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)? I'm trying to meet more chill/mature people to play the game with (tired of the toxic people I find online). If you do play CS:GO, what is your favorite competitive map and why?
I don't play, but I do actually own the game since it was part of a bundle I bought during a sale a while ago. What's the learning curve like? And is the community as potentially toxic as you'd expect from a game that's this popular?
reminds me of how i bought a pokemon game but never got to playing the free ds game that was included with it but anyway it cant be bad if this game you mentioned is totally popular
I don't play, but I do actually own the game since it was part of a bundle I bought during a sale a while ago. What's the learning curve like? And is the community as potentially toxic as you'd expect from a game that's this popular?
Learning curve is pretty steep early on, especially if you're not used to games that require quick reaction times in response to sudden events. Learning different maps, how they're built, where you can expect the enemy to come from and such, also takes a while.
And the community is indeed a bunch of shits. It's not all awful people, but just by virtue of it's popularity and sheer size of the playerbase, you're bound to meet a lot of interesting individuals.
I used to play competitive back in the day, but nowadays I almost exclusively play Deathmatch, cause it requires no time commitment and I just can't be arsed to keep up with as many games as I used to.
The risk I took was calculated, but boy, am I bad at math.