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Technology, Gamers and Gadgets This forum is for discussions about your games, technology, the latest apps or cool gadgets
I haven't played on my Xbox in a very long time since i no longer have the time. However, some of my favourite games have definitely been Mass Effect 1-3, Assassins Creed 1-4 (as well as Brotherhood and Revelations), Deus Ex Mankind Divided, and Fable 2 & 3.
Even though I don't play it on Xbox, I love playing The Sims on the laptop.
I also love playing Mario Karts, Saints Row and GTA on Xbox. I don't have an Xbox or play Saints Row or GTA anymore but I still play Mario Karts at my boyfriends place.
Is this thread related to Android games? If so, the Infinity Loop: Energy is the best IMO. It said to be an anti-stress game. If someone tends to play Android games, it's worth trying. The concept of the game is to create the power supply to light the bulbs. Each level becomes harder than the previous level and you need to think carefully to complete each level. It's been several days after starting the game. In the beginning, I was annoyed as I could not complete at least the first levels. But now I'm a bit familiar with it.
I'm kind of new to gaming so I haven't played that many. I really enjoyed The Forest though and I'm looking forward to the second one coming out this year.